Global daily news 14.08.2014

***Bulgaria Vice President to address participants in ITF’s 43rd Congress

Bulgaria Vice President to address participants in ITF’s 43rd Congress

Sofia. Bulgarian Vice President, Margarita Popova, is to open an event dedicated to the women transport workers worldwide in the frames of the 43rd Congress of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), which started in the Bulgarian capital Sofia on Sunday, August 10, the press centre of the President’s Office announced.
The Congress itself is themed “From Global Crisis to Global Justice: Transport Workers Fighting Back“.
There are some 700 member trade unions representing over 4.5 million workers from about 150 countries in the ITF.

Bulgarian Sofia Municipality has new initiative connected with women working in public transport sector: mayor

14 August 2014 | 11:19 | FOCUS News Agency

Bulgarian Sofia Municipality has new initiative connected with women working in public transport sector: mayor

Picture: Столична община

Sofia. ”We have a new initiative as regards aiding and [improving] the qualifications of the women working in the public transport sector,” said Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia Municipality, speaking at the opening of an event dedicated to the women transport workers worldwide in the frames of the 43rd Congress of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), which started in the Bulgarian capital Sofia on Sunday, August 10, FOCUS News Agency reported.
The Congress itself is themed “From Global Crisis to Global Justice: Transport Workers Fighting Back“.
”In the years of a severe crisis, under the hard conditions of the transition period in our country, the public transport system faces many problems. We realise the work of the people is really serious. For this reason we agreed on raising the salaries of the people working in the public transport system and we developed in cooperation with the trade unions a bonus system this year,” Fandakova remarked.
She thinks it is indicative the percentage of women working at Sofia Public Electrical Transport Company is among the highest in Europe.
”We drop behind as far as the road transport and many other sectors are concerned, including the transport companies in Sofia,” the Mayor stated.


***Indian rly union slams FDI at int’l meeting

108 words

14 August 2014

The Times of India – Ahmedabad Edition



Copyright © 2014. Bennett, Coleman & Co., Ltd.

The proposed 100% foreign direct investment in the Indian Railways, which is being opposed by the railway union, was raised during the International Transport Federation‘s 43rd World Congress 2014 being held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The issue was raised during the ITF by J G Mahurkar, vicepresident, National Federation of Indian Railwaymen, and national general secretary M Raghavaiah who along with other office bearers are in Bulgaria for the conference. During the conference, Raghavaiah also raised the issue of FDI in railways and the new pension scheme for Indian Railways and demanded the latter’s immediate scrapping.


***Advisory to BTA’s External Service Subscribers

134 words

14 August 2014

Bulgarian News Agency



(c) 2014 Bulgarian News Agency BTA. All rights reserved.

Sofia, August 14 (BTA) – Following are some of the main stories to be moved by BTA’s External Service in the next few hours:

— Vice President Margarita Popova will unveil a conference of female transport workers within the 43rd congress of the International Transport Federation (ITF). The forum is mottoed “From Global Crisis to Global Justice: Transport Workers Fighting Back!”

— The Interdepartmental Commission for Recovery and Assistance with the Council of Ministers will discuss the possibilities for additional assistance of the settlements in Northwestern Bulgaria hit by the torrential rains in the presence of Prime Minister Georgi Bliznashki and Interior Minister Yordan Bakalov.

— Defence Minister Velizar Shalamanov will present his team and priorities.

— The Central Election Commission will give its first regular news briefing. /TK/


بحضور نحو ***4.5 مليون عامل

محليات ·   14 أغسطس 2014  /  29 مشاهدة   /   10

وفد «الكويتية» المشارك في الكونغرس العالمي لعمال النقل في بلغاريا


قال عضو الاتحاد الدولي لعمال النقل للشباب (ITF) وأمين السر المساعد بنقابة العاملين بمؤسسة الخطوط الجوية الكويتية والشركات التابعة لها عبدالله المطيري إن النقابة تشارك في فعاليات الكونغرس الثالث والأربعين لـITF، بعنوان «من الأزمة العالمية إلى العدالة العالمية – عمال النقل يعاودون النضال» المنعقد خلال الفترة من 10 حتى 16 أغسطس الجاري في العاصمة البلغارية بصوفيا، بمشاركة أكثر من 4.5 مليون عامل نقل من 700 نقابة عمالية في أكثر من 150 بلداً حول العالم.

وأضاف المطيري في تصريح صحافي، إن المشاركة جاءت «انطلاقاً من أهمية تفعيل العمل النقابي كركن أصيل وقاعدة أساسية ومؤثرة وفاعلة في مشروع البناء والنهضة والتنمية وخدمة المجتمع، وتأسيساً على أهمية مد جسور التواصل والتعاون بين نقابات النقل الجوي لإثراء الحركة النقابية، وتحقيقاً لفلسفة الاتحاد الدولي لعمال النقل (ITF) التي تقوم على تعزيز التضامن الدولي العمالي»

بدوره،أكد رئيس اللجنة الإقليمية لنقابات النقل الجوي (ITF) بالعالم العربي وعضو مجلس إدارة نقابة العاملين بمؤسسة الخطوط الجوية الكويتية والشركات التابعة لها المهندس سعد بداح الهاجري أنه «في ظل العولمة الاقتصادية والتوجه نحو الخصخصة والأزمات الاقتصادية العالمية وتأثيراتها السلبية على العاملين مما يهدد استقرارهم وأمنهم الوظيفي ويضع مستقبلهم الوظيفي على المحك، ناهيك عن الظروف التي يمر بها العالم العربي، والربيع العربي الذي انعكس تأثيره على النقابات العربية سلباً وإيجاباً، فضلاً عن التحديات المطردة التي تواجه قطاع الطيران والنقل الجوي والاحتياجات المتزايدة للعاملين بمؤسسات وشركات الطيران وبيئة وظروف العمل الصعبة التي يعملون بها، فإنه يتطلع أن يكون كونغرس الاتحاد الدولي لعمال النقل حجر الزاوية نحو تطوير شامل للعمل النقابي بشتى صوره وفق خطة طموحة مدروسة لمواجهة هذه التحديات المضطردة».

كما لفت عضو اللجنة الإقليمية لنقابات النقل الجوي بالعالم العربي وعضو مجلس إدارة النقابة أحمد السليم إلى أن «العالم أجمع يتابع مشاهد قتل الأطفال والنساء بدم بارد وتدمير المساجد والمستشفيات والمدارس والمنازل على شاشات التلفاز، دون ان يهتز له جفن أو ترمش له عين، في اعتداء وحشي على اخواننا في غزة» ومشدداً على أن «نصرة شعب فلسطين وكل الشعوب المظلومة والمقهورة هى مسؤولية إنسانية ملحة.


The presence of approximately 4.5 million workers
Sweeteners · August 14, 2014/29 Show / 10
Delegation «Kuwaiti» participating in the World Congress of Transport Workers in Bulgaria
A member of the International Federation of Transport Workers’ Youth (ITF) and the Assistant Secretary union workers institution of Kuwait Airways and its subsidiaries Abdullah Al-Mutairi said the union is involved in the activities of Congress, the forty-third for the ITF, entitled «from the global crisis to global justice – transport workers come back the struggle», held during from 10 to 16 August, which in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, with the participation of more than 4.5 million transfer agent of 700 labor unions in more than 150 countries around the world.

He said al-Mutairi said in a statement, said that the participation came «Given the importance of activating the trade union action as a pillar authentic and base basic and effective and impressive in the construction project and the Renaissance and the development and community service, and building on the importance of building bridges of communication and cooperation between trade unions of air transport for the enrichment of the trade union movement, and to the philosophy of the International Federation of Workers transport (ITF), which is based on the promotion of international solidarity Worker »

In turn, the Chairman of the Regional Committee of Trade Unions of air transport (ITF) in the Arab world and a member of the Governing Council of the Union of Workers Foundation Kuwait Airways and its subsidiaries Engineer Saad Bdah Hajri that «in light of economic globalization and the trend towards privatization and the global economic crisis and its negative effects on workers, which threatens stability and security career and puts their future career at stake, not to mention the circumstances experienced by the Arab world, and the Arab Spring, which reflected its impact on unions Arab positively and negatively, as well as the challenges steady facing the aviation sector, air transport and the growing needs for workers institutions, airlines and the environment and difficult working conditions in which they work , it looks to be the Congress of the International Federation of transport Workers cornerstone towards the development of a comprehensive trade union action in all its forms according to an ambitious plan thought out to meet these challenges steady ».

It also noted a member of the Regional Committee of Trade Unions of air transport in the Arab world and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association Ahmad sense that «the whole world is following scenes of the killing of women and children in cold blood and the destruction of mosques, hospitals, schools and homes on television, without shaking his eyelid or blink an eye, in brutally attacked on our brothers in Gaza »and stressing that« championing the people of Palestine and all oppressed peoples and oppressed is an urgent humanitarian responsibility.