*Global union hits Qatar Airways with UN complaint
GENEVA: A global union said it had filed a formal complaint at a UN body against Qatar Airways, accusing it of breaching the rights of its almost entirely foreign staff.
The union body wants the UN labor agency to condemn the airline for violating global rules on workers’ rights, as well as domestic regulations.
“We’re urging the ILO to make the recommendations necessary to bring the Qatar government into compliance with its international commitments as soon as possible and end the disgraceful measures,” Rodriguez said.
Qatar is already under pressure over the treatment of migrant construction workers, an enduring issue given fresh impetus as the emirate prepares to host football’s 2022 World Cup.
In April, the ILO urged Qatar to remove a host of restrictions on forming unions and striking, and to protect workers from discrimination.
The ILO cannot force countries to fall into line, but its criticism has moral weight.
Beyond the dearth of union rights, Rodriguez said, Qatar Airways staff must live in company compounds, under surveillance, with curfews.
They are banned from marrying during their first five years at the company and must obtain its permission thereafter.
Becoming pregnant is grounds for immediate dismissal, as is failing to inform the airline about a pregnancy.
Staff face regular medical checks, including AIDS tests.
“Any infringement of the draconian regulations imposed on them is likely to result in sacking and deportation,” Rodriguez said on the sidelines of the ILO’s annual congress.
He said the rules were rarely made clear to would-be staff before they had actually joined, and that they were bound by gagging clauses thereafter.
“Compared to the one-and-a-half million migrant workers in Qatar, there are a small number of aviation workers, around 20,000. They might have better salaries, they might have neat and tidy uniforms, but that does not mean they don’t suffer,” he added.
Qatar Airways is one of the world’s fastest-growing carriers.
Over 90 percent of its staff is foreign, reflecting the overall proportion of migrant workers in the Qatari economy.
Qatar’s “kafala” visa-sponsorship system handcuffs foreigners to their local employer.
If staff quit Qatar Airways before serving two years, they must repay a bond to the company in order to get an exit visa, said Rodriguez.
Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez of a International Transport Federation pronounced a censure was lodged Thursday with a International Labour Organization (ILO).
The kinship physique wants a UN work group to reject a unconditionally state-owned airline for violating tellurian manners on workers’ rights, as good as domestic regulations.
“We’re propelling a ILO to make a recommendations required to move a Qatar supervision into correspondence with a general commitments as shortly as probable and finish a infamous measures,” Rodriguez said.
Energy-rich Qatar is already underneath vigour over a diagnosis of migrant construction workers, an fast emanate given uninformed procedure as a emirate prepares to horde football’s 2022 World Cup.
In April, a ILO urged Qatar to mislay a horde of restrictions on combining unions and striking, and to strengthen workers from discrimination.
The ILO can’t force countries to tumble into line, though a critique has dignified weight.
Beyond a default of kinship rights, Rodriguez said, Qatar Airways staff contingency live in association compounds, underneath surveillance, with curfews.
They are criminialized from marrying during their initial 5 years during a association and contingency obtain a accede thereafter.
Becoming profound is drift for evident dismissal, as is unwell to surprise a airline about a pregnancy.
Staff face unchanging medical checks, including AIDS tests.
“Any transgression of a draconian regulations imposed on them is expected to outcome in sacking and deportation,” Rodriguez pronounced on a sidelines of a ILO’s annual congress.
He pronounced a manners were frequency done transparent to would-be staff before they had indeed joined, and that they were firm by gagging clauses thereafter.
“Compared to a one-and-a-half million migrant workers in Qatar, there are a tiny series of aviation workers, around 20,000. They competence have improved salaries, they competence have neat and neat uniforms, though that does not meant they don’t suffer,” he added.