The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) today confirmed that Honduran Victor Crespo has been moved out of Honduras to assure his safety, and that it has secured promises of action from the country’s Minister of Labour.

В марте были выпущены два отдельных приложения МФТ – приложение по поиску судов (Look up a ship) и поиску инспекторов (Find an inspector). С помощью этих приложений моряки могли узнать детальную информацию о судах, связаться с инспекторами МФТ и членскими организациями МФТ – морскими профсоюзами.
Оба приложения получили положительную оценку как моряков, так и тех, кто использует чартерные суда, и поэтому МФТ решила скомбинировать их и усовершенствовать в единую универсальную прикладную программу, которая позволит морякам получить всю необходимую информацию.
Приложение для моряков МФТ – ITF Seafarers – заменит предыдущие, по поиску судов (Look up a ship) и поиску инспекторов (Find an inspector), которые теперь удалены из каталогов приложений для смартфонов.

San Sabadell escrito el 27 septiembre, 2013, 14:48Bravo. Ahora, todos los que lleveis la camiseta del Barsa con el logo de Catar, miraos al espejo. Ved en lo que os habeis convertido, adoradores de vuestra propia servidumbre, adalides de un sistema dictatorial y tiranico, que jode a los pobres trabajadores en pro de una minoria de ricos empresarios. Y ahora, cantad. Cantad el hino cansino del Barsa una vez mas, para que se os pueda caer la cara de verguenza. Ni teneis respeto, ni dignidad, ni pensamiento propio. Sois tan lamentables como las ciegas ovejas de un perfido pastor. Solo vivis para ser llevados por la danza macabra del sistema de la alienacion.Cuando os despojeis de todas las mentiras y deseos hipocritas que vuestros amos os han introducido en vuestras diminutas cabezas, a lo mejor sois capaces de pensar y hacer algo bueno por los demas.
Government Shutdown Impacts Transportation System and Jobs
WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement on the impact of a government shutdown on transportation: “This is a dark day for our nation as extremists in Congress have managed to lock out 800,000 federal workers who have done nothing wrong, and have decided to hold Americans hostage to their destructive tactics. “We’ve seen this irresponsible act before and we know that government shutdowns impact our transportation system, its users and the public and private sector employees who hold the system together.
“Washington’s destructive politics make it impossible to run a national transportation system. As federal transportation officials have announced, most grant-making operations are suspended because the dedicated professionals needed to distribute these vital investments will not be on the job. This means that critical resources for all modes of transport will not flow in a timely fashion as the shutdown gets deeper into the new fiscal year. This could have a severe impact on the states and their transportation authorities and private contractors.
“The government shutdown will send home FAA aviation safety inspectors who are responsible for oversight, certification and surveillance of both commercial and general aviation—from overseeing foreign-based facilities that maintain our aircraft to certifying pilots and flight instructors. In addition, several thousand other aviation safety professionals who directly run our National Airspace System have been furloughed. And here we go again: the critical work of advancing the Next Generation (NextGen) air traffic management system will be suspended again, as it was during the partial FAA shutdown in 2011.
“Make no mistake, an extended shutdown, especially this one estimated to cost our economy up to $10 billion a week, will have a negative impact on vital transportation programs. And the blackmail tactics of a minority bloc of politicians will deal another blow to working people struggling in an already slow economic recovery. This will be the message to our members in days ahead.”