***International transport action week begins Monday
Hundreds of thousands of transport workers worldwide will join together from Monday as part of an international action week organised by the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation). During the action week (6 to 12 October), road transport and railway unions will take action to highlight issues of local and national concern, such as deregulation, outsourcing, promotion of public transport, decent working conditions, safety issues, HIV/AIDS, driver fatigue, enforcement of labour laws. They will stand up for workers’ rights and emphasise the importance of being a member of a union, ITF said in its press release.
This year workers in those sectors will be joined by their docker and seafarer colleagues on 9 October in a day dedicated to the safety of containers, which are handled and transported by drivers, dockers, train staff and seafarers. The week will also include activities around the World Day for Decent Work on 7 October and against the Uber taxi app on 8 Oct.
Among the countries where actions are planned are Australia, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Lithuania, Luxembourg (where a demonstration will be held on 8 October organised by the European Transport Workers’ Federation), Malaysia, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, Tanzania, Togo, Thailand, The Netherlands, Turkey, Uganda, UK, USA and Zimbabwe.
Mac Urata, ITF inland transport section secretary, commented: “This action week allows transport workers and their national unions to focus on the areas most important to them while speaking with one united, global voice. Deregulation, privatisation and liberalisation have dramatically changed the road and rail industries in recent decades – usually for the worse for transport workers and the travelling public alike. Public transport, for example, is under threat as never before. Together during the action week we will defend these vital services and the jobs, working conditions and rights of those who work in them.”
***Membrii echipajului navei Ikatel din Portul Agigea au renunţat la proteste
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06 Oct, 2014 11:47 – Camelia BĂLAN – 30
Reprezentanţul organizaţiei ITF România (The International Transport Workers’ Federation) anunţă că membrii echipajul navei Ikatel si-au primit salariile restante de 3 luni. Salariile datorate de angajator echipajului au o valoare cumulată de aproximativ 130.000 de dolari.
Totodata s-au achitat si taxele sociale catre statul rus pentru fircare din cei 20 de navigatori.
In consecinta protestul navigatorilor a incetat duminica, 5 octombrie.
Precizăm, de asemenea, că un număr de şapte navigatori vor fi repatriati, fie pentru ca le-a expirat contractul de munca, fie pentru ca nu mai vor sa continue lucrul cu acest armator.
Amintim că nava Ikatel sub pavilion Rusia, a acostat zilele trecute în Portul Agigea. La acea dată, echipajul, alcătuit din 20 de navigatori ruşi, neplătit de trei luni, au anunţat că nu va mai efectua nicio operaţiune comercială (cu excepţia atribuţiilor de menţinere a siguranţei la bord) fără să fie plătiţi.
Ikatel crew members dropped Agigea Port protests
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October 6, 2014 11:47 – Camelia Balan – 30
Tags: russia flag ikatel ship, port Agigea ikatel ship, the protest ship port ikatel Agigea
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Organization representatives ITF Romania (The International Transport Workers’ Federation) today announced that members of the crew Ikatel and received back pay for 3 months. Crew wages owed by the employer are worth about $ 130,000.
Were also paid by the state and social duties Russian prices for each of the 20 sailors.
Consequently protest seafarers stopped Sunday, October 5.
Please note also that seven sailors will be repatriated, either because it has expired labor contract, either because they do not want to continue working with this owner.
Recall that the flag ship Ikatel Russia landed in Port Agigea day. At that time, the crew, consisting of 20 Russian sailors, unpaid for three months, announced they will not make any commercial operation (excluding duties of maintaining safety on board) without pay.
***Federation Sets Action Week (10/3)
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The International Transport Workers’ Federation, to which the SIU is affiliated, issued the following news release, dated Oct. 3:
International transport action week begins Monday
Hundreds of thousands of transport workers worldwide will join together starting Monday as part of an international action week organized by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). During the action week (October 6-12), road transport and railway unions will take action to highlight issues of local and national concern, such as deregulation, outsourcing, promotion of public transport, decent working conditions, safety issues, HIV/AIDS, driver fatigue, and enforcement of labor laws. They will stand up for workers’ rights and emphasize the importance of being a union member.
This year, workers in those sectors will be joined by their docker and seafarer colleagues on October 9 in a day dedicated to the safety of containers, which are handled and transported by drivers, dockers, train staff and seafarers. The week will also include activities around the World Day for Decent Work on October 7 and against the Uber taxi app on October 8.
Among the countries where actions are planned are Australia, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Lithuania, Luxembourg (where a demonstration will be held on October 8 organized by the European Transport Workers’ Federation), Malaysia, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, Tanzania, Togo, Thailand, The Netherlands, Turkey, Uganda, UK, USA and Zimbabwe.
Mac Urata, ITF inland transport section secretary, commented: “This action week allows transport workers and their national unions to focus on the areas most important to them while speaking with one united, global voice. Deregulation, privatization and liberalization have dramatically changed the road and rail industries in recent decades – usually for the worse for transport workers and the travelling public alike. Public transport, for example, is under threat as never before. Together during the action week we will defend these vital services and the jobs, working conditions and rights of those who work in them.”
To find out more about the action week, including the container day, visit www.itfactionweek2014.org.
For more about the World Day for Decent Work visit http://2014.wddw.org
***500,000 workers protest Indian rail privatisation [1]
Published 5 October 2014
The new Modi government in India is intent on privatising state assets and using public-private partnerships to develop future infrastructure (listen to radio interview here [2]). On 19 September an estimated half a million workers stopped work [3] to protest the government’s plans to privatise the railways. The International Transport Federation has committed to fight transport privatisation around the world. Korean workers [4] are also fighting against the privatisation of their railway system.
Viernes, 03 de octubre de 2014
***El SOMU defendiendo la soberanía nacional
Omar Suárez condenó a los fondos buitre en Congreso de la ITF
A través de una solicitada el Sindicato Obrero Marítimos Unidos (SOMU) informa al pueblo argentino que la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores del Transporte (ITF) aprobó una moción del secretario general del gremio Omar Suárez y de la embajadora argentina en Londres Alicia Castro, de condenar el accionar de los fondos buitre contra la Argentina. La posición tuvo lugar en el Congreso de la entidad sindical que tuvo lugar en las últimas horas en la ciudad Búlgara de Sofía.
Friday, October 3, 2014
The defending national sovereignty SOMU
Omar Suarez condemned vulture funds in ITF Congress
Through a requested the Maritime Workers Union (SOMU) reports the Argentine people that the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) approved a motion of the secretary general of the union Omar Suarez and Argentina’s ambassador in London Alicia Castro, condemning the actions of vulture funds against Argentina. The position held in the Congress of the union organization held in the last hours in the Bulgarian city of Sofia.