***ITF transport action week begins today, 6 October (Monday)
Hundreds of thousands of transport workers worldwide will join together from Monday as part of an international action week organised by the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation). During the action week (6 to 12 October), road transport and railway unions will take action to highlight issues of local and national concern, such as deregulation, outsourcing, promotion of public transport, decent working conditions, safety issues, HIV/AIDS, driver fatigue, enforcement of labour laws. They will stand up for workers’ rights and emphasise the importance of being a member of a union, ITF said in its press release.
This year workers in those sectors will be joined by their docker and seafarer colleagues on 9 October in a day dedicated to the safety of containers, which are handled and transported by drivers, dockers, train staff and seafarers. The week will also include activities around the World Day for Decent Work on 7 October and against the Uber taxi app on 8 Oct.
Among the countries where actions are planned are Australia, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Lithuania, Luxembourg (where a demonstration will be held on 8 October organised by the European Transport Workers’ Federation), Malaysia, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, Tanzania, Togo, Thailand, The Netherlands, Turkey, Uganda, UK, USA and Zimbabwe.
Mac Urata, ITF inland transport section secretary, commented: “This action week allows transport workers and their national unions to focus on the areas most important to them while speaking with one united, global voice. Deregulation, privatisation and liberalisation have dramatically changed the road and rail industries in recent decades – usually for the worse for transport workers and the travelling public alike. Public transport, for example, is under threat as never before. Together during the action week we will defend these vital services and the jobs, working conditions and rights of those who work in them.”
***ITF 2014 Action Week & WDDW
6 Oct 2014
This week, from the 6-12 October 2014, the International Transport Federation are organising activities for their annual ITF Action Week under the slogan ‘Transport workers fighting back! Organising globally!’ Throughout the week member unions will be organising a variety of activities to highlight important issues that affect road transport and railway workers, and to emphasise the importance of belonging to a union.
Transport workers all over the world, including railway workers, are experiencing the negative consequences of privatisation,deregulation and liberalisation. New employment forms are emerging which are resulting in increased casualisation and outsourcing of jobs in the transport sector.Global operators employ workers in the same workplace on different wages and conditions,and promote expansion only on profitable routes. Workers and unions are the first to observe the negative consequences of private companies, including a reduction in safety levels due to decreasing maintenance standards and deskilling of jobs.
We believe that strong union power on a global level, involvement in decision making at a national level and cross-border solidarity in the present globalised world are of crucial importance. In today’s conditions of crisis it is more important than ever that trade unionists across the globe stand up for their rights to decent work and a decent life.
Each year the 7 October is designated as the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW), to raise awareness of the vital importance of global trade union solidarity. Various themes have been highlighted by trade unions and organisations during the WDDW since its start in 2008 including discrimination and core labour standards such as the right to bargain collectively and the freedom to organise, laws and agreements issues, health and safety, and social protection.
***ITF transport action week begins today, 6 October ( Monday)
***La ITF realiza la �Semana de acci�n del transporte internacional�
Por Redacci�n | 06.10.2014 08:03
Desde el lunes 6 al 12 de octubre, cientos de miles de trabajadores se sumarán a la propuesta impulsada por la Federación de Trabajadores del Transporte (ITF). La iniciativa tiene como objetivo concientizar en aspectos de interés local y nacional, tales como la desregulación, la externalización, la promoción del transporte público, las condiciones dignas de trabajo, cuestiones de seguridad, el VIH / SIDA, la fatiga del conductor y el respeto a las normas laborales.
Cientos de miles de trabajadores del transporte en todo el mundo se unirán desde hoy como parte de una semana de acción internacional organizado por la Federación de Trabajadores del Transporte (ITF). Durante la semana de acción, del 6 al 12 de octubre, el transporte por carretera y los sindicatos ferroviarios se encargarán de poner en relieve las cuestiones de interés local y nacional, tales como la desregulación, la externalización, la promoción del transporte público, las condiciones dignas de trabajo, cuestiones de seguridad, el VIH / SIDA, la fatiga del conductor, el cumplimiento de las leyes laborales.
“Ellos se pondrán de pie por los derechos de los trabajadores y hacer hincapié en la importancia de ser miembro de un sindicato”, detallaron desde la ITF. Este año los trabajadores de esos sectores se unirán a sus colegas ventana acoplable y la gente de mar el 9 de octubre en una jornada dedicada a la seguridad de los contenedores, que son manipulados y transportados por los conductores, estibadores, personal de tren y de la gente de mar. La semana también incluirá actividades en torno al Día Mundial por el Trabajo Decente, el 7 de octubre y en contra de la aplicación de taxi Uber el 8 de octubre
Entre los países en los que se planifican acciones son Australia, Barbados, Bélgica, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Canadá, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, República Democrática del Congo, Egipto, Georgia, Alemania, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, India, Costa de Marfil, Japón, Kenya, Corea, Lituania, Luxemburgo (donde una manifestación se celebrará el 8 de octubre, organizada por la Federación Europea de Trabajadores del Transporte), Malasia, México, Níger, Nigeria, Filipinas, Rusia, Ruanda, Senegal, España, Tanzania, Togo, Tailandia, Países Bajos, Turquía, Uganda, Reino Unido, EE.UU. y Zimbabwe.
Mac Urata, secretario de la Sección ITF transporte terrestre, comentó: “Esta semana de acción permite a los trabajadores del transporte y sus sindicatos nacionales se concentren en las áreas más importantes para ellos, mientras que hablar con una sola voz unida, global. La desregulación, la privatización y la liberalización han cambiado dramáticamente las industrias por carretera y ferrocarril en las últimas décadas – por lo general hacia lo peor para los trabajadores del transporte y el público que viaja por igual. El transporte público, por ejemplo, se encuentra amenazado como nunca antes. Juntos durante la semana de acción vamos a defender estos servicios vitales y los puestos de trabajo, las condiciones y derechos de los que trabajan en ellas trabajan”.
***Към единен европейски регламент за екипажите в речното плаване
На 29-30 септември 2014г. в Париж се проведе работен семинар на секция Речно плаване към ЕТФ на тема „Регламент за екипажите в европейското речно плаванe”. Домакини на събитието бяха колегите от френската транспортна федерация FGTE-CFDT. От българска страна участие взе Росана Обрешкова – експерт към СТСБ. Целта на семинара беше подготвянето на позиция на секцията за кръглата маса на Централната комисия за корабоплаване по Рейн, която ще се състои на 5 ноември в Страсбург. Кръглата маса е първа стъпка в инициативата
Обществен транспорт Синдикални организации
***ЕТФ с позиция за бъдещeто на европейската авиация
След интензивна седмица на срещи и дискусии комитет „Кабинен състав” към секция „Гражданска авиация” на ЕТФ формира и оповести своята позиция по някои жизненоважни въпроси, свързани с настоящото и бъдещото състояние на европейската авиация.
Налице са редица предложения за изменения на Основния регламент (Рег. № 216/2008) в частта му за летищата, управлението на въздушното движение и аеронавигационното обслужване (2013/0187 – COD), и отнасящи се до правомощията на Европейската агенция за авиационна безопасност (EASA). Европейската комисия и EASA стартираха Continue reading →
Авиация Безопасност и Здраве Кабинен състав Новини РВД Социален диалог
***Предстоящи проекти в градския транспорт
На 25.09.2014г. в Брюксел, се проведе заседание на работна група Градски транспорт към комитета за социален диалог в сектор пътен транспорт. Участие в срещата взе Даниела Златкова, изпълнителен секретар на СТСБ. Предвид очакването Европейската комисия да одобри самостоятелен комитет за социален диалог за градски транспорт, специално внимание бе обърнато на работната програма на комитета за периода 2015-2019 година. Бяха обсъдени редица предложения за съвместни проекти. След дълга Continue reading →
Новини Обществен транспорт Проекти Социален диалог
***Подкрепете Ди Ейч Ел Делхи сега!
Работници от DHL Индия са били спрени от работа и прехвърлени на стотици километри далеч от семействата си очевидно като наказание за синдикалната си дейност.
Сунил, Махендер, Калиян и Санджай се нуждаят от нашата подкрепа сега.
Работниците в Делхи организират традиционен седящ протест (Dharna) тази неделя. МТФ се присъединява, стартирайки двуседмична виртуална Dharna. Ето какво можете да направите, за да я подкрепите: Continue reading →
Continue reading →
Towards a single European regulation crews sailing in the river
On 29-30 September 2014. Paris workshop was organized by the Department of Inland Shipping ETF on “Regulation crews in European river plavane.” The event was hosted by fellow French Transport Federation FGTE-CFDT. The Bulgarian side attended Rosana Obreshkova – expert to FTTUB. The aim of the workshop was to prepare a position of section Roundtable of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine, which will be held on 5 November in Strasbourg. The roundtable is the first step in the initiative Continue reading →
International Relations News Rivers and canals
Meeting at the “Municipal passenger transport” city. Gabrovo
On 30.09.2014, the Ekaterina Yordanova – Chairman of the Union of Transport Trade Unions in Bulgaria (FTTUB) Daniela Zlatkova – Executive Secretary FTTUB and Milena Tachinova – expert in FTTUB visited city. Gabrovo, to meet with representatives of the leadership of the trade union organzatsiya to OPT Gabrovo. The meeting was initiated following a complaint by members of the union to cut state conductors in municipal passenger transport city. Gabrovo. Continue reading →
News Public Transport Trade Unions
ETF position with badeshteto European aviation
Screen Shot 2014-10-01 at 9.48.07 AM
After an intense week of committee meetings and discussions “Cabin crew” to the section “Civil Aviation” ETF formed and announced its stance on critical issues related to current and future state of European aviation.
There are a number of proposed amendments to the General Regulation (Reg. № 216/2008) in the part of airports, air traffic management and air navigation services (2013/0187 – COD), and relating to the powers of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). European Commission and EASA started Continue reading →
Aviation Safety and Health Cabin Staff News ATM Social Dialogue
Upcoming projects in urban transport
On 25.09.2014g. in Brussels, the meeting of the working group Urban transport to social dialogue committee in the road transport sector. The meeting took Daniela Zlatkova, Executive Secretary FTTUB. Given the expectation of the European Commission to approve an independent social dialogue committee for urban transport, special attention was paid to the work program of the Committee for the period 2015-2019 year. Discussed a number of proposals for joint projects. After a long Continue reading →
News Public Transport Projects Social Dialogue
Support DHL Delhi now!
DHL workers from India have been suspended from work and moved hundreds of miles away from their families apparently as punishment for union activity.
Sunil, Mahender, Sanjay Callian and need our support now.
Workers in Delhi organized a traditional sitting protest (Dharna) on Sunday. ITF joins starting a two-week virtual Dharna. Here’s what you can do to support it: Continue reading →
Профессиональный союз работников морского транспорта Украины (ПРМТУ) – всеукраинская добровольная неприбыльная общественная организация, которая действует на территории Украины и объединяет работников морского транспорта.
30 января 2012 года исполнилось 20 лет Профессиональному союзу работников морского транспорта Украины. Пройдя через все этапы развития страны, Профсоюз, объединяющий в своих рядах более 70 тысяч членов, меняя структуру, формы и методы работы, не изменял своей изначальной уставной функции – защите социально-экономических и профессиональных интересов членов Профсоюза.
Профсоюз осуществляет свою деятельность в соответствии с Конституцией Украины, Законом Украины “О профессиональных союзах, их правах и гарантиях деятельности” других законов и нормативно-правовых актов Украины, действующего Устава, норм международного права, принципов международного профсоюзного движения.
Сегодня Профсоюз является членской организацией Международной федерации транспортников (ITF), ETF, Международной конфедерации профсоюзов водного транспорта, Федерации профсоюзов Украины. Целью деятельности Профсоюза является представительство и защита трудовых, социально-экономических прав и интересов членов Профсоюза.
Профсоюз работников морского транспорта Украины является самым многочисленным всеукраинским объединением на предприятиях и в учреждениях морского транспорта.
Невзирая на сокращения работников на предприятиях морского транспорта, ПРМТУ охватывает около 90% от работающих на предприятиях разных форм собственности. Молодежь среди членов Профсоюза представляет 37 % от работающих членов Профсоюза.
Основная задача организационной работы ПРМТУ – укрепление и сохранение единства первичных профсоюзных организаций ПРМТУ.
ПРМТУ открыт для организаций, которые хотят быть в его рядах.
Для достижения своей цели Профсоюз решает такие задачи как:
– консолидация усилий первичных профсоюзных организаций по защите трудовых социально-экономических прав и интересов членов Профсоюза;
– объединение первичных организаций Профсоюза в отрасли морского транспорта и в смежных отраслях, содействие повышению эффективности их деятельности;
– представительство и защита трудовых, социально-экономических прав и интересов членов Профсоюза;
– координация действий и объединение усилий с другими профсоюзами в сфере защиты коллективных прав и интересов;
– содействие культурно-массовой, физкультурной и оздоровительной работе среди членов Профсоюза и членов их семей;
– обеспечение права на труд и надлежащую оплату этого труда;
– общественный контроль за соблюдением условий труда, которые отвечают требованиям безопасности и гигиены, охраны труда и здоровья;
– общественный контроль за соблюдением законодательства о труде;
– содействие социальной защите членов Профсоюза;
– расширение сферы влияния Профсоюза через участие в международном профсоюзном движении, взаимодействие и сотрудничество с другими профсоюзами, общественными организациями и объединениями для достижения поставленных задач.
Защищая права и социально-трудовые интересы работников предприятий, учреждений и организаций морского транспорта, нам всем важны единство и сплоченность наших рядов, согласованность и последовательность совместных действий.
Вместе мы – сила!
The Trade Union of Maritime Transport of Ukraine (PRMTU) – weekly voluntary non-profit organization, which acts on the territory of Ukraine and unites workers sea transport.
January 30, 2012 was 20 years old Trade Union of Maritime Transport of Ukraine. After going through all the stages of development of the country, union, uniting in its ranks more than 70,000 members, changing the structure, forms and methods of work, did not change its original statutory function – the protection of socio-economic and professional interests of union members.
Unions to conduct their activities in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees” other laws and legal acts of Ukraine, the current Charter, international law and the principles of international trade union movement.
Today union is affiliated to the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), ETF, International Trade Union Confederation of Water Transport, Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine. The aim of the trade unions is to represent and protect the labor, social and economic rights and interests of union members.
Workers’ Union of Maritime Transport of Ukraine is the largest all-Ukrainian association of enterprises and institutions of maritime transport.
Despite the reduction of workers in enterprises of maritime transport, PRMTU covers about 90% of employees in enterprises of different ownership forms. Youth members of the trade unions represent 37% of the working union members.
The main objective of the organizational work PRMTU – strengthening and preserving the unity of the primary trade union organizations PRMTU.
PRMTU open to organizations that want to be in its ranks.
To achieve its goal union carries out tasks such as:
– Consolidation of the efforts of the primary trade union organizations to protect the employment of social and economic rights and interests of union members;
– The union of the primary trade union organizations in the field of maritime transport and related industries, promoting the efficiency of their activities;
– Representation and protection of labor, social and economic rights and interests of union members;
– Coordination and joint efforts with other unions in the protection of collective rights and interests;
– Promotion of cultural and media, sports and recreational activities among union members and their families;
– Ensuring the right to work and the proper payment of this work;
– Social control of the working conditions that meet the requirements of safety and health, occupational safety and health;
– Public control over observance of labor legislation;
– Promoting social protection union members;
– Expansion of the sphere of influence of the Trade Union through participation in the international trade union movement, interaction and cooperation with other trade unions, non-governmental organizations and associations in order to achieve objectives.
Protecting human rights and social and labor interests of employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations of maritime transport, are important to us all the unity and cohesion of our series, consistency and continuity of joint action.
Together, we – the power!
*** В понедельник началась Международная неделя действий на транспорте
Сотни тысяч работников транспорта во всем мире объединятся в рамках международной недели действий, организованной ITF (Международной федерацией транспортников). В течение недели действий (которая будет проходить с 6 по 12 октября), профсоюзы автомобилистов и железнодорожников будут принимать меры для определения вопросов местного и национального значения, таких как сокращение госконтроля, аутсорсинг, развитие общественного транспорта, достойные условия труда, вопросы безопасности, борьбы с ВИЧ / СПИДом, соблюдения трудового законодательства. Они будут стоять за права рабочих и важность членства в профсоюзе, сообщает ITF в своем пресс-релизе.
On Monday, the beginning of the International Week of Action in Transport
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Hundreds of thousands of transport workers around the world will unite in an international week of action organized by the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation). During the week of action (which will be held from 6 to 12 October), the trade unions and the railroad motorists will take steps to identify issues of local and national importance, such as the reduction of state control, outsourcing, development of public transport, decent working conditions, safety issues, the fight against HIV / AIDS, enforcement of labor laws. They will stand for the rights of workers and the importance of trade union membership, according to ITF in its press release.
lunes 6 de octubre de 2014
***La ITF lleva a Gaza su cargamento de ayuda humanitaria
200 sillas de ruedas, 200 adultos y pediatras itinerantes, y 3.000 bolsas de colegio con material para estudiar fueron incluidas en el reparto de Gaza el 29 de septiembre en el tercer cargamento de ayuda humanitaria de la Federación Internacional del Transporte (ITF).
Los suministros fueron comprados por la oficina de la ITF en Amman, Jordania, que está coordinando la labor de socorro y entregado al Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo de la Organización de Caridad Hachemita de Jordania, que se ocupa de la logística y el transporte y proporciona transporte gratuito.
La oficina de la ITF informó que había una gran demanda de peticiones de hospitales de movilidad básica debido a que más de 10.000 personas resultaron heridas en los recientes ataques aéreos militares israelíes, los cuales también dejaron más de 2.000 palestinos muertos y más de 100.000 sin hogar.
El presidente de la ITF, Paddy Crumlin, comentó: “Afortunadamente, la tregua abierta acordada el 26 de agosto se ha mantenido, y esperamos que conduzca a una solución a largo plazo, que respete las fronteras de 1967 entre Israel y un Estado palestino”.
“Sin embargo, la situación en Gaza sigue siendo terrible y los palestinos que viven allí necesitan de toda la ayuda que puedan obtener. Gracias a la generosidad de aquellas organizaciones sindicales que han respondido a nuestra llamada, la ITF ha logrado 197.723 dólares americanos y será posible entregar el tercer barco de ayuda humanitaria”.
ITF tiene en su página más detalles de cómo puedes ayudar a enviar alimentos y medicamentos a la gente de Gaza.
lunes 6 de octubre de 2014
***La FSC-CCOO muestra su apoyo a los trabajadores de DHL en la India
La Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía de CCOO (FSC-CCOO) quiere sumarse a la campaña organizada por la Federación Internacional de Trabajadores del Transporte (ITF), en defensa de los representantes sindicales de la empresa DHL en la India que están siendo represaliados por la empresa con traslados forzosos.
Foto de apoyo a los trabajadores de DHL en la India
DHL India ha suspendido de empleo y ha trasladado a varios trabajadores a cientos de kilómetros de sus familias, aparentemente como castigo por sus actividades sindicales.
Por ello, la ITF ha diseñado una campaña de solidaridad con los cuatro trabajadores de Delhi sancionados bajo el hastang (#DHLDelhi4), solicitando a todos sus sindicatos y a los trabajadores de la empresa en todo el mundo, realicen fotografías con carteles con ese lema y las suban a las distintas redes sociales.
Al mismo tiempo los trabajadores que fueron suspendidos han decido llevar lazos negros como medida de protesta silenciosa contra su falta de representación sindical, y han solicitado que todos las compañeras y compañeros realicen fotos con los lazos para su extensión a través de las redes sociales.
La ITF solicita a todas las personas que participen en esta campaña que no olviden enviar un mensaje ITFglobalunion en Facebook, o que las envíen al twitter haciendo mención a @itfglobal utilizando también el hastang #DHLDelhi4.
La ITF pretende recopilar todas las imágenes y las enviara a DHL India el 10 de octubre, con el objetivo de presionar a la empresa para la devolver a los trabajadores sancionados a sus puestos de trabajo y en las localidades donde estaban trabajando. Porque hoy es más necesario los derechos laborales para todos y para todas.
Monday October 6, 2014
The ITF *** Gaza carried its cargo of humanitarian aid
200 wheelchairs, 200 adults and traveling pediatricians, and 3,000 school bags with material for study were included in the deal Strip on September 29 in the third shipment of humanitarian aid from the International Transport Federation (ITF).
The supplies were purchased by the ITF office in Amman, Jordan, which is coordinating relief efforts and delivered to the Programme of the United Nations Development Organization Hashemite Charity of Jordan, who handles logistics and and provides free shuttle transportation.
The ITF office reported that there was a high demand of requests from hospitals for basic mobility because more than 10,000 people were injured in the recent Israeli military air strikes, which also left more than 2,000 Palestinians dead and over 100,000 homeless .
ITF President Paddy Crumlin said: “Fortunately, the open truce on August 26 has been maintained, and hopefully lead to a long-term solution that respects the 1967 borders between Israel and a Palestinian State” .
“However, the situation in Gaza remains dire and the Palestinians who live there need all the help they can get. Thanks to the generosity of those unions who have responded to our call, the ITF has made Americans $ 197,723 and will be possible to deliver the third ship of humanitarian aid. “
ITF have on your page more details on how you can help send food and medicine to the people of Gaza.
Monday October 6, 2014
The FSC-CCOO *** shows its support for DHL workers in India
The Federation of Citizen Services CCOO (FSC-CCOO) wants to join the campaign organized by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), in defense of union DHL company representatives in India who are being repressed by the company forced removals.
Photo support DHL workers in India
DHL India has suspended without several workers have moved hundreds of miles from their families, apparently as punishment for his union activities.
Therefore, the ITF has designed a solidarity campaign with four workers in Delhi sanctioned under hastang (# DHLDelhi4), asking all unions and workers of the company worldwide, made photographs and posters with this slogan the rise to various social networks.
At the same time workers who were suspended have decided to wear black ties as a measure of silent protest against their lack of union representation, and have requested that all the comrades made photos with ties to spread across social networks.
The ITF calls on all those involved in this campaign do not forget to send a message ITFglobalunion on Facebook, or send them to twitter by mentioningitfglobal also using hastang # DHLDelhi4.
The ITF aims to collect all the images and send them to DHL India on October 10, aiming to pressure the company to return the sanctioned workers their jobs and in the localities where they were working. Because today is more necessary labor rights for all and for all.