Global daily news 12.05.2014

***Risk of extensive strike in Norwegian airlines

The Norwegian airline with the same name is in danger of being thrown into a comprehensive strike by its cabin crew in Norway and Denmark within a short period of time. A strike could affect the company’s flights across much of Europe.
The airline, which in 2012 signed the biggest deal ever in the history of European aviation, and the third biggest agreement Boeing has entered into with an airline, is accused of treating its employees with little respect, while attempting to crush the union that currently organises most of its employees in Scandinavia.
Parat is the largest union of cabin crew members and pilots in Norway. In addition, the union has a number of members in Denmark and Sweden. Members are not only employed in Norwegian, but also in other airlines including SAS, Widerøe, Thomas Cook and TUIfly Nordic. Parat is a member of the European and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF and ITF).
Fear of blacklegging/strike-breakers
Every second year, collective agreements entered into in Norway are renegotiated, and at the moment, the agreement covering Norwegian’s cabin crew has been discussed without the company and its employees reaching a mutual agreement. Negotiations have broken down and if the company does not meet the employees’ demands, there will be strike in a matter of days.
The airline has announced measures to maintain flights in the case of a strike, and Parat regards this action as blacklegging. To prevent blacklegging, Parat will seek help from ETF, which includes 231 unions in 41 European countries. It will also be seeking assistance from ITF, which is a global organisation with four, five million members in 150 countries.
Demands presented in the negotiations
Leader of the Norwegian Cabin Association, Marit Lindén, says management in the airline does not respect the cabin crew and claims that they are not taken seriously. – We experience that the agreements that have been entered into are broken or not followed up, she says, and lists the most important demands in this conflict:
  • We have a collective wage agreement, that we want to retain even if the company is trying to deny us employees the right to continue an agreement that is common for the bases in Norway and Denmark.
  • We demand that the real staffing needs shall be met through permanent employment in the airline. The chief executive officer and principal owner of the airline, Bjørn Kjos, has previously signed a declaration accepting this and we expect him to stand by his word. This declaration also touches on permanent employment for cabin crew in, inter alia, Finland, England and Spain.
Threats from the company
Parat’s chief negotiator, Turid Svendsen, says the employees were exposed to threats from the management during the negotiations.
– A text message with threats of closure of bases, withdrawal of employee benefits and layoffs through transfer to an employment agency was sent to cabin crew members whilst legal negotiations was taking place. At the same time, the company’s chairman presented a board resolution in Norway’s largest newspaper, VG, stating that a strike would have “serious consequences for those who might strike.” We don’t want to see brutalisation such as we are witnessing here in either the Norwegian or the European labour market, says Svendsen.
The company justifies these threats with a need to inform the cabin crew members about the consequences of going out on strike.
– We believe that this type of intimidation by the company is in violation of agreements signed between the company and the union, because this is regarded as an action aimed at avoiding a strike and affecting the outcome of a conflict of interest. In the same newspaper, the company’s chairman referred to a Board decision sating that they will punish the employees if there is a conflict. The text message from the company, as we interpret it, states that they will close down bases in Norway, forcibly transfer employees in Denmark to an employment agency and deprive cabin crew members of benefits over the next three years if there is conflict. In other words, it must be understood that these threats will not be carried out if the cabin crew accept the company’s directive to split up the staff into several smaller unions, says Parat’s chief negotiator, Turid Svendsen.
Parat’s chief negotiator says the direct link between the threats to use management prerogative as a sanction to stop a lawful strike, violates fundamental rights and obligations, and also puts The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (the Norwegian employers’ organisation) in a dubious light.The same applies to the company’s notice that it will make use of blacklegs (strikebreakers).
Corporate structure and union work
Although the demand of the employees will not incur costs for the company beyond what they currently have, management claims that employees want to change the corporate structure, or demand changes that affect the company’s financing. – Neither the cabin crew association nor Parat get involved in how Norwegian organises the corporate structure and how the company finances the operation or purchase of aircraft. Our only concern is the staff and how they can maintain a joint agreement for the two countries, like the one they have today. Similar arrangements exist in a number of major companies and Norwegian is by no means unique in this respect, she says.
A Norwegian trade union that organises employees outside of Norway is not common, according to the chief negotiator, but there are also here several examples that show that this is quite feasible. – Norwegian itself is perhaps the best example of the fact that this does not cause any practical problems. For four years we have had a collective agreement also for the base in Denmark. A new corporate structure in Norwegian is not an obstacle to continuing the current agreement, says Svendsen.
Extension of strike
On Wednesday, one Norwegian crew member was called out on strike. An escalation can come within five to 19 days depending on how the Danish mediator handles the conflict. In the event of an escalation, approximately 1,000 cabin crew members in Norway and 228 cabin crew members in Denmark will be on strike.
***Norwegian ends free tickets as strike begins
Published: 09 May 2014 15:48 GMT+02:00
Updated: 09 May 2014 15:48 GMT+02:00
Norwegian Air Shuttle has stripped its cabin staff of one of the main perks of the job — free airline tickets — in retaliation for a strike announced on Wednesday.
Cabin Services Norway, which took over the company’s Norwegian cabin staff in March, sent out a text message to all staff on Friday, according to Tønsberg Blad newspaper.
The message informed them that the system of “ID-tickets”,  on which cabin staff previously only had to pay tax, had been terminated with immediate effect.
“This is a consequence of the employees going on strike,” Norwegian’s head of information Lasse Sandakerveien-Nielsen told the paper. “We have to take action and it is not uncommon to do this when there is a conflict. This is something that Parat and The Cabin Crew Association knew would come if there was conflict.”
The punishment makes good a message the airline sent out by text message on Tuesday night, warning employees they would lose free tickets, be forced to relocate to Oslo, and, in the case of Danish employees, be transferred to an employment agency, thereby losing much of their job security.
Parat, the Norwegian union coordinating the strike action, on Thursday afternoon accused the airline of “brutalisation” of its staff, in a release.
“We don’t want to see brutalisation such as we are witnessing here in either the Norwegian or the European labour market,” Turid Svendsen, the union’s chief negotiator, said in a press statement on Thursday afternoon.
“We believe that this type of intimidation by the company is in violation of agreements signed between the company and the union, because this is regarded as an action aimed at avoiding a strike and affecting the outcome of a conflict of interest.”
Parat said it was coordinating with the European Transport Workers’ Federation, which brings together unions from across 41  European countries and the ITF, which has five million members inn 150 countries, to try and prevent Norwegian bringing in temporary staff from other countries to replace striking workers.
“The airline has announced measures to maintain flights in the case of a strike, and Parat regards this action as blacklegging,” it wrote in its statement.
It also warned that the airline was in danger of causing a major strike which could affect flights across Europe.
“The Norwegian airline with the same name is in danger of being thrown into a comprehensive strike by its cabin crew in Norway and Denmark within a short period of time,” Parat warned.
“The airline…is accused of treating its employees with little respect, while attempting to crush the union that currently organises most of its employees in Scandinavia.”
At present just one member of Norwegian’s staff, René Gustavsen, is on strike, but a further 1,300 staff are expected to join him within the next 18 days.
***Derfor kan Norwegian-strejke sprede sig til Europa og USA

Af Niklas Ernst | 11. maj. 2014 KL. 15:20 |

Europæiske og amerikanske fagbevægelser kan følge trop, hvis Norwegian-ansatte som bebudet strejker senere på måneden.
Konflikten mellem Norwegian og selskabets kabineansatte i Norge og Danmark synes ikke at bløde op.
Tidligere har den danske forligsmand, tidligere højesteretsdommer Asbjørn Jensen, givet Norwegian og kabinepersonalet 14 dage til at blive enige. Dermed har parterne frem til den 21. maj til at nå til enighed. Når de det ikke, vil strejken begynde fra midnat mellem den 25. og 26. maj.
Og nu lyder meldingen, at europæiske og amerikanske luftfartsselskaber også kan være klar med sympati-strejker til fordel for det norske og danske kabinepersonale. Sådan lyder meldingen fra Parat Luftfart, Norges største brancheorganisation for luftfart, der i Danmark organiserer 228 kabineansatte hos Norwegian.
»Vi har ikke aktivt været ude at bede om aktioner, men europæiske og amerikanske fagbevægelser har opfanget, hvad der foregår, og giver sin støtte,« siger Arve Sigmundstad, kommunikationschef i Parat til det norske nyhedsbureau, NTB.
»I det øjeblik, vi oplever strejkebryderi, vil vi sandsynligvis bede om det,« tilføjer Arve Sigmundstad.
ETF bakker op
ETF, den europæisk transportarbejderfederation, der rummer 2,5 millioner medlemmer, meldte fredag ud til NTB, at Norwegian vil blive stoppet i hele Europa, hvis flyselskabet gør alvor af udmeldingen om at omgå en strejke ved at leje personale og fly fra andre selskaber.
»De (ETF, red.) har sagt, at de vil holde alt mandskab tilbage i Europa, hvis administrerende direkør i Norwegian, Bjørn Klos, forsøger at bryde strejken under en eventuel konflikteskalering, siger Marit Lindén, formand for Norwegians kabineforening ifølge NTB.
»Hvis Både Europa og USA siger stop, vil det i praksis betyde et internationalt stop. Norwegian kan blive stoppet i hele verden,« siger Arve Sigmundstad, kommunikationschef i Parat til NTB. Han understreger, at det er noget, som den internationale fagbevægelse må tage stilling til.
En rød klud for fagforeninger
De stærke reaktioner på konflikten mellem Norwegian og selskabets kabinepersonale skal især ses i lyset af, at Norwegian, ligesom Ryanair, har været i søgelyset for skattesnyd. Her er det særligt selskabets ansættelseskonstruktioner med udenlandske vikarbureauer, der har vakt harme i branchen.
Kritikken gik i 2012 på, at Norwegian benyttede sig af blandt andet estiske Arpi og irske Parc Aviation, der ifølge flere kilder i Norge og Danmark også var registreret på Isle of Man. Her afholdtes piloternes løn og skat, mens Norwegian undgik at betale blandt andet pension, social sikring og løn under sygdom, selv om piloterne også fløj i Skandinavien og i praksis indgik i et reelt lønmodtagerforhold med selskabet.
»Vi ved, at Norwegian og de udenlandske bureauer fralægger sig ethvert ansvar for skat i kontrakterne med piloterne. Det svarer på mange måder til Ryanairs metoder, som også udnytter, at piloterne ikke tør sige fra på grund af arbejdsløsheden i Europa,« sagde næstformand i Norsk Flygerforbund, Christian Langvatn, tilbage i 2012 og henviste desuden til eksempler på piloter med base hos bureauer i Las Palmas og Malaga, men som fløj i Skandinavien i norskregistrerede fly.
Derudover ønskede Norwegian i 2013 at få ændret den norske udlændingelovs bestemmelser og på den måde gøre det muligt for selskabet at ansætte asiatisk personale på sine langdistanceruter. Det afviste den norske regering imidlertid.
Europæiske fagbevægelse er klar til sympatiaktioner
Tidligere har hele den europæiske fagbevægelse meldt sig klar til sympatiaktioner. Den melding kommer fra politisk sekretær François Ballestero i den europæisk transportarbejderfederation (ETF) til det norske nyhedssite E24.
»Vi følger situationen tæt og står klare til at støtte dem med solidaritetsaktioner. Vi vil bruge de virkemidler, vi har,« sagde François Ballestero fredag.
Striden mellem Norwegian og kabinepersonalet drejer sig om, at Norwegian ønsker at opsplitte de kabineansatte i Norge og Danmark i to selskaber. Fagforeningen kræver et samlet selskab, så medlemmerne står stærkere.
Therefore, the Norwegian – strike spread to Europe and the U.S.
By Niklas Ernst | 11 May. 2014 KL . 15:20 |

European and American trade unions may follow suit if Norwegian officials as announced strikes later this month.

The conflict between the Norwegian and the company’s booth employees in Norway and Denmark do not seem to soften .

Previously, the Danish mediator , former Supreme Court Justice Asbjørn Jensen, where Norwegian and flight attendants 14 days to agree. Thus , the parties have until 21 May to reaching an agreement . When they do not, they will strike starting from midnight between 25 and 26 May.

And now is the message that European and U.S. airlines can be ready with sympathy strikes in favor of the Norwegian and Danish cabin crew. According to our Ready Aviation , Norway’s largest trade organization for aviation in Denmark organizes 228 cabin staff with Norwegian .

“We have actively been out asking for action , but European and American trade unions have picked up what is going on , and supports ,” says Arve Sigmundstad , Communications Manager at Ready for the Norwegian news agency NTB .

” At the moment we are experiencing strike-breaking , we will probably ask for it,” adds Arve Sigmundstad .

ETF supports

ETF , the European Transport Workers’ Federation , which holds 2.5 million members , announced Friday out to NTB , the Norwegian will be stopped in all of Europe, if the airline get serious about the announcement of evading a strike by hiring personnel and aircraft from other companies.

“They (ETF , ed.) Have said that they will keep all personnel back in Europe, of which the manager direkør in Norwegian , Hogweed , trying to break the strike during a possible conflict escalation , says Marit Lindén , President of the Norwegian cabin union , according to NTB .

“If both Europe and the U.S. say stop , it will in practice mean an international stop. Norwegian can be stopped in the world, “says Arve Sigmundstad , Communications Manager at Ready to NTB . He stresses that it is something that the international trade union movement will have to decide .

A red cloth unions

The strong reactions to the conflict between Norwegian and its cabin crew should be seen in light of the fact that Norwegian , like Ryanair , has been in the spotlight for tax evasion . Here the company’s employment structures with temporary employment agencies has sparked outrage in the industry.

He was criticized in 2012 that Norwegian availed of , among other Estonian Arpi and Irish Parc Aviation , according to several sources in Norway and Denmark were also registered in the Isle of Man. Here was held the pilots’ wages and taxes , while Norwegian avoiding the payment of , among other pension , social security , sick pay , even though the pilots also flew in Scandinavia and in practice was part of a real employee relationship with the company.

“We know that Norwegian and foreign agencies disclaims all liability for tax in the contracts with the pilots. It is similar in many ways to Ryanair methods that also exploits the fact that the pilots did not dare speak out because of unemployment in Europe , “said Vice President of Norsk Flygerforbund , Christian Langvatn , back in 2012 and made ​​reference to examples of pilots based at offices Las Palmas and Malaga, but that flew in Scandinavia Norwegian registered aircraft .

Additionally desired Norwegian in 2013 to change the Norwegian immigration law, and in this way make it possible for the company to employ Asian staff on its long-haul routes . It rejected the Norwegian Government , however .

European trade unions are ready sympathy actions

Previously, the entire European trade unions signed up ready for sympathy action . The announcement comes from the political secretary François Ballestero in the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) to the Norwegian news site E24 .

“We are following the situation closely and stand ready to support them with solidarity actions. We will use the tools we have , “said François Ballestero Friday.

The dispute between Norwegian and cabin crew is about to Norwegian want to split the cab employees in Norway and Denmark in the two companies. The union requires a global company , so the members are stronger .

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Virksomheder Af Ritzau
12. maj 2014 Kl. 7:50
Hvis kabinepersonalet hos Norwegian som ventet går i storstrejke senere på måneden, vil det ud over de danske og norske flypassagerer også kunne ramme de europæiske afgange.

Det skrev nyhedsbureauet NTB lørdag og henviser til, at den europæiske transportfagforening ETF og dens 2,5 mio. medlemmer har været ude med opbakning til Norwegians kabineforening.

ETF tilkendegiver, at Norwegian vil blive stoppet i hele Europa, hvis lavprisselskabet gør alvor af udmeldingen om at ville omgå en strejke ved at leje fly og personale fra andre selskaber.

– De har sagt, at de vil holde alt mandskab tilbage i Europa, hvis Bjørn Klos (administrerende direktør i Norwegian, red.) forsøger at bryde strejken under en eventuel konflikteskalering, siger Marit Lindén, formand for Norwegians kabineforening, ifølge NTB.


Den europæiske opbakning til Norwegians kabineforening kommer i kølvandet på, at kabinefolket og ledelsen i Norwegian ikke længere taler sammen.

De ansatte i flyselskabet venter kun på besked fra den danske forligsmand Asbjørn Jensen, før en storstrejke blandt omkring 1300 kabinefolk bryder ud i Norwegian senest den 25. maj.

Sådan lyder meldingen fra fagforeningen Parat, som repræsenterer både de danske og norske kabinefolk i det norske lavprisselskab.

– I Norge har vi afbrudt forhandlingerne, og strejken er et faktum. Vi venter nu kun på, at den danske forligsmand Asbjørn Jensen giver os tidsfristerne, sagde kommunikationschef i Parat, Arve Sigmundstad, fredag til Ritzau.

Hos Norwegian ønsker man ikke at svare på, hvordan en eventuel strejke vil påvirke deres flyvninger.

– I øjeblikket går trafikken som normalt, så det her er foreløbigt hypotetiske problemstillinger, skriver informationschef Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen fra Norwegian i en sms til norske E24.

Informationschefen fastholder, at flyselskabet vil leje sig til fly og personale, hvis der sker en optrapning af strejken.

– Vores ansvar er at få passagererne frem til deres mål, og skulle strejken optrappes, vil vi gøre alt for at de rejsende bliver så lidt påvirket som muligt, skriver Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen.

***Europeisk transportforbund kan holde Norwegians fly på bakken
Den europeiske transportarbeiderføderasjonen (ETF) gir sin fulle støtte til fagforeningen Parat og oppfordrer andre europeiske fagforbund til sympatiaksjoner.

12:26 – 09.05.2014 , Oppdatert: 14:17 – 09.05.2014

– Vi står til Parats disposisjon. Vi ber ledelsen i Norwegian om å gå tilbake til forhandlingsbordet og tilby sine ansatte en rettferdig avtale, sier politisk sekretær François Ballestero i ETF til E24.

<b>ETF-TOPP:</b> Politisk sekretær François Ballestero i ETF.” border=”0″><b>ETF-TOPP:</b> Politisk sekretær François Ballestero i ETF.</p>
<div style=Det europeiske transportforbundet opplyser at de kommer til å sette alle kluter til for holde Norwegians fly på bakken om selskapet leier inn fly og mannskap ved en storstreik.

Norwegian har tidligere varslet at de vil gjøre dette slik at færrest mulig passasjerer skal rammes. Hvor stor andel av flyvningene de vil greie å dekke opp på denne måten er foreløpig ukjent.
– Vi trenger sterke reaksjoner på denne typen cowboy-virksomhet. Men jeg kan ikke per i dag si hvilken form aksjonene vil ta, sier Ballestero.
ETF oppfordrer andre europeiske fagforbund til sympatiaksjoner for å holde Norwegians fly på bakken.
– Vi følger situasjonen tett, og står klare til å støtte dem med solidaritetsaksjoner. Vi vil bruke de virkemidlene vi har, sier Ballestero, som understreker at det er for tidlig å si nøyaktig hvordan de vil gå frem dersom konflikten trappes opp.
  • Den Europeiske Transportarbeider-føderasjonen (ETF) representerer omtrent 2,5 millioner transportarbeidere og 250.000 sivile luftfartarbeidere i 41 europeiske land, gjennom mer enn 230 fagforbund.
  • De representerer både piloter, kabinansatte og lufthavnarbeidere.
  • De representerer arbeidere innen følgende transportsektorer: Jernbane, veitransport og logistikk, maritim transport og sivil luftfart.
  • Parat er medlem i transportarbeider-føderasjonen, og har bedt ETF om støtte i konflikten med Norwegian.
ETFs virkemidler er ikke få. De representerer omtrent 250.000 sivile luftfartarbeidere i 41 europeiske land.
Per i dag er det nemlig kun én enkelt Norwegian-ansatt som er tatt ut i streik. Det går selvsagt ikke ut over Norwegians flyvninger.
Men det vil trolig endre seg i løpet av måneden. Det mest sannsynlige tidspunktet for en opptrapping av streiken er 25. mai. Grunnen til at Parat vil vente så lenge med en opptrapping, er at de vil samkjøre en streik i Norge og Danmark.
Flere alternativer
Ballestero understreker at de ikke kan si helt konkret hva de vil foreta seg før streiken faktisk trappes opp.
Men han skisserer noen mulige alternativer som vil gjøre at Norwegian rammes selv om de skulle leie inn fly og crew.
– Om streiken trappes opp, vil vi se på de ulike landene der de opererer, og se hva som kan gjøres, sier han.
ETF representerer også lufthavnarbeidere. Dersom konflikten trappes opp, kan de eksempelvis ta kontakt med fagforeninger som representerer de som laster Norwegians fly rundt om i Europa.
Norwegian har tidligere benyttet seg av europeiske selskaper som High Fly og Euroatlantic for å leie inn fly og mannskap. ETF-sekretæren sier han ikke kjenner til disse selskapene, men at de vil undersøke dette nærmere når de vet mer om hva Norwegian vil foreta seg.
– Symbolsak
Han kaller konflikten mellom Norwegian og de kabinansatte for en «symbolsak» også for dem.
– Norwegian respekterer ikke arbeidernes rettigheter. Dette er er ikke det Norge jeg kjenner. Det er ikke slik den norske modellen fungerer, sier han.
For det første mener Ballero det er uakseptabelt at Norwegian har splittet opp de danske og de norske ansatte og utskilt dem i to egne selskaper, Cabin Services Norway og Cabin Services Denmark.
For det andre mener han det er uakseptabelt at Norwegian sier de vil outsource driften av basen i København til et bemanningsbyrå. Han mener dette er en trend i flybransjen som må stoppes.
– I dag gjelder det norske og danske ansatte. Men denne måten å drive på kan bli mer akseptert om vi lar dem gjøre som de vil, sier han.
For det tredje mener han Norwegians metoder inn mot streiken er uakseptable.
– Truslene inn mot streiken er helt uholdbare, sier han, med referanse til Norwegians SMS til de ansatte, der det opplyses om at de ansatte i Danmark vil overføres til et bemanningsbyrå ved en streik.
Varsler norske sympatiaksjoner

<b>UNIO-LEDER:</b> Anders Folkestad er lederen for fagforbundet Unio.” border=”0″><b>UNIO-LEDER:</b> Anders Folkestad er lederen for fagforbundet Unio. <b>Foto:</b> Nils Bjåland <i>VG</i></p>
<div style=Også andre norske fagforeninger uttrykker sterk støtte til Parat og Norwegian. Flere har de siste dagene uttalt at det kan bli aktuelt med sympatiaksjoner. En av disse er Unio-leder Anders Folkestad, som har 320.000 medlemmer i sin organisasjon.

Med sine trusler om å leie inn fly og mannskap mener han at Bjørn Kjos og Norwegian går til angrep på spillereglene som gjelder for konflikter i arbeidslivet.
– Han drar opp konfliktnivået på en sterkere måte enn vi er vant til i norsk arbeidsliv. Vi er redde for at han skal inspirere arbeidsgiversiden, og at de vil se på dette som et nytt maktmiddel.
Hvilke aksjoner det kan være snakk om, ønsker han ikke å gå i detalj på, men han er klar på at arbeidstagersiden må sende et tydelig signal til Norwegian.
-Det vil avhenge av hvilke virkemidler Parat, som står midt oppi dette, tar i bruk. Men det er jo tradisjoner for sympatiaksjoner.
– Snakker du om aksjoner som vil hindre flyene i å komme i luften?
– La meg si det slik: Selv om jeg hadde visst akkurat nå hvilke aksjoner det skulle vært, så ville jeg ikke fortalt det. Jeg håper uansett at Kjos før vi kommer dit skjønner at han er i ferd med å gå for langt, sier Folkestad.

<b>FORBUNDSLEDER:</b> Forbundsleder Hans Erik Skjæggerud i Parat.” border=”0″><b>FORBUNDSLEDER:</b> Forbundsleder Hans Erik Skjæggerud i Parat. <b>Foto:</b> Parat</p>
<div style=Parat: – Kan hindre fly fra å komme i lufta