***ITF: Pelaut Indonesia Terancam Menganggur
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Federasi Pekerja Transport Internasional (ITF) mendesak pemerintah Indonesia segera meratifikasi Konvensi Pekerja Maritim (Maritime Labour Convention, MLC) karena terancam jadi pengangguran karena tidak direkrut kapal internasional.
“Jika pemerintah tidak segera meratifikasi MLC maka akan membahayakan masa depan pelaut Indonesia karena mereka terancam tidak akan direkrut oleh perusahaan pelayaran di seluruh dunia,” kata Presiden Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia (KPI) Hanafi Rustandi dalam siaran persnya yang diterima di Jakarta, Kamis (13/2).
Hanafi yang juga Ketua ITF Asia Pasifik itu mengutip peringatan Sekjen ITF Stephen Cotton dalam suratnya kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono bertanggal 5 Februari 2014 dengaan tembusan ke Menteri Perhubungan, Direktur International Labour Organization, dan KPI.
Dalam surat itu disebutkan, hingga kini MLC yang ditetapkan dalam sidang ILO di Jenewa tahun 2006 telah diratifikasi 56 negara. Mulai Agustus 2014 nanti, Port State Control (PSC) di seluruh dunia akan melakukan inspeksi bagi kapal-kapal yang terindikasi pelautnya bermasalah, terutama yang berasal dari negara-negara yang belum meratifikasi MLC.
Kapal-kapal Indonesia bisa menjadi target inspeksi, karena prosedur penempatan awak kapalnya tidak sesuai ketentuan MLC. Laporan yang diterima ITF, banyak manning agency (agen pengawakan kapal) melakukan pelanggaran, antara lain memungut biaya dari pelaut yang ditempatkannya. Saat ini setidaknya satu kapal telah ditahan PSC karena ditemukan bukti pelaut membayar kepada manning agent untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di kapal.
Konvensi internasional itu secara komprehensif mengatur ketentuan standar minimum bagi pelaut yang bekerja di industri pelayaran global, serta sistem perekrutan yang dilakukan manning agency. Pemilik kapal harus membuktikan kepada negara bendera kapal bahwa yang merekrut sesuai dengan standar dan ketentuan MLC.
Bagi Indonesia yang belum meratifikasi MLC,menurut Sekjen ITF, kondisi seperti itu akan memperlemah dan menyulitkan pelautnya di bursa kerja internasional di masa depan. Ratifikasi MLC, menurut Hanafi, tidak perlu dengan undang-undang, karena membutuhkan waktu lama, cukup dengan Keputusan Presiden (Keppres).
Thursday, February 13, 2014 , 13:55 pm
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Sailors . illustration
Sailors . illustration
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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID , JAKARTA – International Transport Workers Federation ( ITF ) has urged the Indonesian government to immediately ratify the Maritime Labour Convention ( Maritime Labour Convention , MLC ) threatened because of a job because they do not ship internationally recruited .
” If the government did not immediately ratify the MLC it will jeopardize the future of Indonesian sailors as they threatened not be recruited by shipping companies around the world , ” said President of Unity Indonesian Seafarers ( KPI ) Hanafi Rustandi in a press release received here on Thursday ( 13 / 2 ) .
Hanafi is also Chairman of the ITF Asia Pacific cites Stephen Cotton ITF Secretary General warning in a letter to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, dated February 5, 2014 dengaan copy to the Minister of Transportation , the Director of the International Labour Organization , and KPIs .
In the letter mentioned , until now MLC set out in the ILO session in Geneva in 2006 have been ratified by 56 countries . Starting in August 2014 , the Port State Control ( PSC ) throughout the world will perform inspections for vessels that indicated problematic sailors , especially those from countries that have not ratified the MLC .
Indonesian ships can be targeted inspections , as crew placement procedure not in accordance with the MLC . Reports received by the ITF , many manning agency ( ship manning agencies ) violates , among others charge fees of sailors who placed . Currently at least one ship has been detained since found evidence PSC sailors manning agent to pay to get a job on the ship .
Comprehensive international convention that provides for minimum standards for seafarers working in the global shipping industry , as well as the recruitment system performed manning agency . Shipowner must prove to the flag state that the recruit in accordance with the standards and provisions of the MLC .
For Indonesia, which has not ratified the MLC , according to the Secretary General of the ITF , as it would weaken the state and make it difficult for sailors in the international job market in the future . The ratification of the MLC , according to Hanafi , not necessarily by the law , because it takes a long time , simply by Presidential Decree (Decree ) .