Global daily news 14.07.2014

THE International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) demanded the release of imprisoned Iranian trade unionist Reza Shahabi today.
Mr Shahabi, who is treasurer of ITF-affiliated Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, otherwise known as the Vahed union, was unjustly arrested in 2010 and is now on a hunger strike.
ITF acting general secretary Steve Cotton sent a strongly-worded letter yesterday to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani insisting on his freedom.
“The ITF has written to your government on a number of occasions to demand Shahabi’s release and to ensure that he is provided with the medical treatment he needs,” he wrote.
“The federation also on several occasions reminded you of your country’s international legal obligations to comply with international human rights and labour standards and in particular on the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.”
At a meeting with international labour standards department of the ILO in April 2012, Iran’s Minister of Co-operatives, Labour and Social Welfare had reaffirmed the government’s inclination towards immediate freedom for Mr Shahabi.
He had instructed his deputy for international affairs to closely follow this case.
The minister had also denied charges of mistreatment, asserting that any perpetrators would be sued and punished if found guilty.
Despite government statements and repeated commitments to proper treatment, “these promises continue regularly to be broken,” wrote Mr Cotton.
Furthermore, his recent transfer from Evin prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison where political prisoners and violent criminals are held together had provoked Mr Shahabi into starting a hunger strike.
“Given the developments with Shahabi’s health and the deterioration of the situation, the government has little choice but to act now,” said the trade union federation leader.
“The ITF once again forcefully repeats its position that no worker be imprisoned for his/her trade union activities, much less be treated in a way which amounts to deliberate torture.
“ITF affiliated members are urgently demanding that Shahabi is released immediately and unconditionally from prison.
“Pending his release, the federation also demands that Shahabi’s physical integrity and safety are fully respected,” he added, making clear that ITF will continue to monitor the situation carefully.


***„Neues mobiles Herzstück im international seamen´s club“

Jan Oltmanns Leitung DUCKDALBEN, Ulf Christiansen (ITF), Nassir Ali Ayoub, Karin Friedrich (ITF), Torben Seebold, Leiter-ITF Billigflaggenkampagne Deutschland/ver.di, Almafazy Amour, Anke Wibel, Leitung DUCKDALBEN

Ein neuer VW-Bus namens Kermit komplettiert die Fahrzeugflotte des DUCKDALBEN – dank ITF

Da die Internationale Transportarbeiter-Föderation (ITF) die Anschaffungskosten übernahm, konnte nun einer der ausgemusterten VW-Kleinbusse des international seamens´s club DUCKDALBENersetzt werden: ITF-Fachgruppenleiter Torben Seebold überreichte die Schlüssel für die neue VW-Kombilimousine T5 namens Kermit an Jan Oltmanns und Anke Wibel, Leiter und Leiterin des DUCKDALBEN. Torben Seebold, Leiter der ITF-Billigflaggenkampagne Deutschland: „Der ITF Seafarer´s Trust hat in guter alter Tradition schon 12 Busse finanziert. Die ITF setzt sich weltweit dafür ein, die Bedingungen für Seeleute aller Nationalitäten zu verbessern, unabhängig von Staatsangehörigkeit oder Flagge des Schiffes. Da ist es uns eine Herzensangelegenheit, einen der besten Seemannsclubs der Welt zu unterstützen, damit er voll handlungsfähig bleibt. Die Bullis sind die Herzstücke der Arbeit im Duckdalben“.

„Das sieht in der Tagesarbeit so aus, dass Seeleute über ihre Arbeit und die Bedingungen sprechen wollen. Oft möchten sie das nur im DUCKDALBEN. Dafür müssen sie erst einmal hierherkommen“, so Ulf Christiansen (Vorstandsmitglied Seemannsmission Hamburg-Harburg) und Karin Friedrich, beides ITF-Inspektoren in Hamburg. Als gewerkschaftliche Vertreter haben sie ein Auge auf Billigflaggenschiffe, überprüfen die korrekte Auszahlung der Heuern sowie Sozial- und Arbeitsbedingungen.

Jan Oltmanns: „Mobilität der Seeleute ist auch zu Lande wichtig. Da Liegezeiten immer kürzer werden, bleibt nur wenig Zeit, um mit der Familie in der Heimat zu telefonieren, sich mit dem einen oder anderen im DUCKDALBEN-Shop-einzudecken – oder mit Kollegen zu entspannen. Oft bleiben nur drei Stunden“. Das DUCKDALBEN Fahrmanagement hilft, diese Zeit optimal zu nutzen: Das DUCKDALBEN-Team holt die Seeleute von Bord ab: 365 Tage im Jahr Einsatz, am Steuer sind oft ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter. Sie sorgen dafür, dass die Seeleute auch an Land ankommen – in ihrem Zuhause auf Zeit. Und weil dabei die Autos so wichtig sind, tragen sie internationale Namen, die dank Sesamstraße weltweit fast jeder kennt: Ducki, Bibo, OsCar, Tiffi, Elmo. OsCar findet nun mit Kermit einen Nachfolger, der die Seeleute in den DUCKDALBEN bringt – wie Nassir Ali Ayoub und Almafazy Amour (Auf dem Foto mit Basecap) aus Tansania.

Zwischen dem Club und dem entferntesten Liegeplatz sind es zwar nur 12,5 Kilometer. Aber 2013 kamen knapp 220.000 Kilometer bei 15.000 Fahrten zusammen. Anke Wibel: „Bei dieser Fahrleistung lohnt sich eine ökologische wie ökonomisch sinnvolle Sonderausstattung.“ Anke Wibel hat dem Volkswagen -Konzern „einen der letzten Busse dieser Baureihe mit Erdgas Motor abgeschnackt“. Die neue VW-Kombilimousine hat acht Gastplätze und fährt wie die gesamte DUCKDALBEN-Flotte umweltfreundlich mit Erdgas: Der DUCKDALBEN setzt auch hinsichtlich der hohen Mobilität auf Nachhaltigkeit.

Jan Oltmanns Leitung DUCKDALBEN, Ulf Christiansen (ITF), Nassir Ali Ayoub, Karin Friedrich (ITF), Torben Seebold, Leiter-ITF Billigflaggenkampagne Deutschland/ver.di, Almafazy Amour, Anke Wibel, Leitung DUCKDALBEN

Ökologisch unterwegs dank Erdgas


New Mobile centerpiece in international seamen‘s club”
January Oltmanns line Duckdalben, Ulf Christiansen (ITF), Nassir Ali Ayoub, Karin Friedrich (ITF), Torben Seebold, Head of ITF FOC Campaign Germany / Verdi, Almafazy Amour, Anke weevil, line Duckdalben
January Oltmanns line Duckdalben, Ulf Christiansen (ITF), Nassir Ali Ayoub, Karin Friedrich (ITF), Torben Seebold, Head of ITF FOC Campaign Germany / Verdi, Almafazy Amour, Anke weevil, line Duckdalben

A new VW bus named Kermit completes the fleet of Duckdalben thanks to ITF
Since the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) took over the cost of acquisition, one of the decommissioned VW minibuses of international Seamens‘s club DUCKDALBENersetzt could now be: ITF Group Leader Torben Seebold handed over the keys for the new VW Kombi Limousine T5 named Kermit to Jan Oltmanns and Anke weevil, conductor and director of the mooring posts. Torben Seebold, head of the ITF FOC Campaign Germany: The ITF Seafarer‘s Trust has funded 12 buses already in good old tradition. The ITF is committed worldwide to improve conditions for seafarers of all nationalities, regardless of nationality or flag the ship. Since it is close to our hearts, to support one of the best clubs in the world sailor, so that he can remain fully operational. The Bullis are the centerpieces of the work in Duckdalben .

“This looks in the daily work of so that seafarers want to talk about their work and the conditions. Often, they want the only Duckdalben. But all they need to come here, “says Ulf Christiansen (Board Member Seemannsmission Hamburg-Harburg) and Karin Friedrich, both ITF inspectors in Hamburg. As a union representative, they have an eye check on FOC ships, the correct payment of wages and social and working conditions.

January Oltmanns: “Mobility of seafarers is also important to the country. Since hospital stays are getting shorter, leaves little time to make phone calls with the family in the home, with one or the other in Duckdalben shop to stock to relax or with colleagues. Often only three hours remain. “The Duckdalben driving management helps maximize this time: The Duckdalben team brings the sailors disembark from: 365 days a year operation, and driving are often volunteers. They ensure that seafarers arrive on land in their temporary home. And because there the cars are so important, they carry international names that almost everyone knows the world thanks to Sesame Street: Ducki, Bibo, Oscar, Tiffi, Elmo. Oscar is now with Kermit a successor who brings the sailors in the Duckdalben as Nassir Ali Ayoub and Almafazy Amour (In the photo with baseball cap) from Tanzania.

Between the club and the farthest berth while there are only 12.5 kilometers. But in 2013 came almost 220,000 km along at 15,000 trips. Anke weevil: Anke weevil. “In this mode of power is an ecological and economically meaningful special equipment worth has the Volkswagen Group abgeschnackt one of the last buses of this series with natural-gas engine. The new VW hatchback has eight guest places and continues as the entire Duckdalben fleet with environmentally friendly natural gas: The Duckdalben is also with regard to the high mobility of sustainability.
January Oltmanns line Duckdalben, Ulf Christiansen (ITF), Nassir Ali Ayoub, Karin Friedrich (ITF), Torben Seebold, Head of ITF FOC Campaign Germany / Verdi, Almafazy Amour, Anke weevil, line Duckdalben
Ecologically the move thanks to natural gas


***ITF demands Shahabi release
Posted on July 11, 2014 by IranSOS

Reza Shahabi
11. July 2014 – The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has demanded the release of Reza Shahabi, the imprisoned Iranian trade unionist and prisoner of conscience. Shahabi, who is the treasurer of the ITF member union the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (otherwise known as the Vahed union), was unjustly arrested in 2010 and is now on a hunger strike.
In a strongly worded letter sent today to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, the ITF’s acting general secretary, Steve Cotton, stated:
‘The ITF has written to your government on a number of occasions to demand Shahabi’s release and to ensure that he is provided with the medical treatment he needs. The Federation also on several occasions reminded you of your country’s international legal obligations to comply with international human rights and labour standards, and in particular on the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
‘Indeed, this obligation has been re-affirmed by the ILO in their report to the March 2014 meeting of the Governing Body which states that:
“As regards the situation of Mr Shahabi, the Government indicates that it genuinely continues its constructive attempts to seek his parole and pardon through legal channels. The Government recalls that, when meeting with the Director of the International Labour Standards Department of the ILO, on 17 April 2012, the Minister of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare had reaffirmed the Government’s inclination for the immediate freedom of Mr Shahabi; he had instructed his Deputy for International Affairs to closely follow this case. In relation to the accusation of maltreatment of Mr Shahabi, the Government states that any alleged mistreatment of suspects and arrested people, irrespective of the charges against them, shall be subject to appropriate legal prosecuting and that perpetrators thereof would be sued and duly punished if found guilty of the attributed maltreatments and neglects charges; in this respect, Mr Shahabi has the power to exercise his constitutional and legal rights toward reclamation of his rights, if he so decides.
‘In regard to the allegations of negligence and carelessness in addressing the immediate medical needs of Mr Reza Shahabi during his prison term, the Government indicates that the Department of Prisons, Correctional and Rehabilitation Services is responsible for the safety, security and health of prisoners, and that different articles of the Executive Standing Order of the said department legally requires it to constantly supervise the public and individual situation of the prison inmates and address their needs immediately. Paragraph 1 of Article 44 of the Standing Order requires the prison ombudsperson to closely monitor any infringement of the legitimate rights of the prisoners. The Government states that, realizing the importance of providing a detailed account of Mr Shahabi’s medical treatment, it will undertake to provide the Committee with a detailed report on his medical treatment. The Government indicates that he has already been in hospital for bone spurs’ treatment.”
Despite the statements by the Government, and repeated commitments for proper treatment, these promises continue regularly to be broken. Furthermore, Shahabi was recently transferred from Section 350 of Evin prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison, in the city of Karaj. In protest at this transfer- to a prison where political prisoners and violent criminals are held together – it is reported that Shahabi started a hunger strike.
Given the developments with Shahabi’s health and the deterioration of the situation, the Government has little choice but to act now. The ITF once again forcefully repeats its position that no worker be imprisoned for his/her trade union activities, much less be treated in a way which amounts to deliberate torture. ITF affiliated members  are urgently demanding that Shahabi is released immediately and unconditionally from prison. Pending his release, the Federation also demands that ShahAbi’s physical integrity and safety are fully respected.
The ITF will continue to monitor the development of the situation carefully. The ITF and ITUC have already written to the ILO, which has indicated that it supports the demand for the unconditional release of Shahabi and the provision of appropriate and necessary medical treatment.
The Federation continues to support its affiliate and worldwide, its members will not hesitate to demonstrate their solidarity, should this be necessary.’
The ITF has also launched a LabourStart appeal which asks people to send messages of protest at Shahabi’s detention to the Iranian president. This is at and attracted 1,000 signatures in its first two hours.
Amnesty International recogniseS Reza Shahabi as a prisoner of conscience. See:
ITF communications: getting the message out – when and where it matters
Twitter: @itfglobalunion
***Social partners against flags of convenience in aviation
235 words
12 July 2014

Agence Europe

Not Available for Re-Dissemination, except as permitted by your subscriber agreement. (c) Agence Europe, Brussels 2014. All rights reserved.
Brussels, 11/07/2014 (Agence Europe) – The social partners in the field of aviation have spoken out against the rising trend in the sector to use “flags of convenience” to get round social legislation in Europe. The risk is that the sector will suffer the same fate as the maritime sector, which has seen its potential decimated by the lack of European labour.
The European Transport Workers‘ Federation (ETF), which is made up of employers and pilots, has spoken out against the development of flags of convenience in a joint declaration presented in Brussels on Friday in July. Specifically, they have their sights set on Norwegian Airlines, which plans to establish a branch in Ireland, where it will employ European staff under an Asian labour contract in order to be able to provide cheaper-cost flights to the United States. “Such companies are not creating new ‘business models’ in the market. Rather, they are exploiting regulatory loopholes and insufficiently coordinated legislation behind the distraction of publicity over a few cheap flights”, said Jon Horne, Vice-Chair of the Social Dialogue Committee on civil aviation. This “is in fact an exploitation model” and if the companies “are not stopped now it will force currently responsible airlines into a race to the bottom and aviation jobs will exit Europe for good”, added François Ballestero of ETF. (MD)
***Irish airline Flag of Convenience row
549 words
11 July 2014

Business and Finance Daily News Service

Copyright (c) 2014, Media World Ltd
Shipping has Liberia and Panama and now air travel has the Irish tricolour as a “flag of convenience” that will drag down aviation standards and stifle competition.
That’s according to a joint declaration signed today by a group directly representing both employers and workers in the airline industry that warns against the rise of this new development.
It said that airlines using Flags of Convenience (FoC) undercut fair competition in the sector, avoid many regulations and scour the globe to exploit labour without European social rights and standards.
At a press conference in Brussels today, the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Civil Aviation presented a joint declaration warning that Flags of Convenience will lead European aviation to the fate of the decimated European maritime industry with almost no European crew left. The statement comes as Norwegian Air International recently moved its international headquarters to Ireland. It also operates under an Irish flight certificate – even though it doesn’t serve any Irish markets. Some of its pilots and crew are officially employed by a Singaporean company and are based in Thailand. The company’s flight attendants come from the United States and Asia. It plans to operate no-frills flights from the UK to the US but airlines, airline staff organisations and US politicians have all opposed the move. According to the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Civil Aviation today, a precedent now risks being set as one non-EU airline uses an Irish registration, despite having no Irish base, to fly within Europe and to the US, with Thailand based crews on a variety of Far Eastern contracts. “The inconvenient truth is that such companies are not creating new ‘business models’ in the market. Rather, they are exploiting regulatory loopholes and insufficiently coordinated legislation behind a distraction of publicity over a few cheap flights,” said Jon Horne, Vice-Chair of the Social Dialogue Committee. “They blatantly undermine the international rules and agreements designed to ensure fair competition and employment standards. If FoCs, what is in fact an ‘exploitation model,’ are not stopped now it will force currently responsible airlines into a race to the bottom and aviation jobs exit Europe for good.” “An airline using infrastructure, healthcare and education in Europe whilst not contributing to European social systems commits social dumping, and is parasitic on the responsible European citizens and businesses who effectively subsidise them,” said Francois Ballestero, Political Secretary for Civil Aviation at the European Transport Workers‘ Federation (ETF). “It is vital for our industry to remain competitive. But competition can only work if it is on a level playing field, with clear and simple rules applied to all,” said Emmanuel Jahan, Chair of the Social Dialogue Committee. “The European Commission has the power to decisively stop abuse and mockery of European legislation; we hope steps will be taken to guarantee the competitiveness of the European industry and the preservation of European jobs.” The Social Partners called on the EU Commission and newly elected Members of the Parliament to take urgent measures against “Flags of Convenience”. Among the proposed changes are revision of legislation on visas and work permits for non-EU based crews, as well as clarity on “principal place of business for airlines”. For more visit:
***ITF demands Shahabi release
11 July 2014
The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has demanded the release of Reza Shahabi, the imprisoned Iranian trade unionist and prisoner of conscience. Shahabi, who is the treasurer of the ITF member union the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (otherwise known as the Vahed union), was unjustly arrested in 2010 and is now on a hunger strike.

In a strongly worded letter sent today to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, the ITF’s acting general secretary, Steve Cotton, stated:

‘The ITF has written to your government on a number of occasions to demand Shahabi’s release and to ensure that he is provided with the medical treatment he needs. The Federation also on several occasions reminded you of your country’s international legal obligations to comply with international human rights and labour standards, and in particular on the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

‘Indeed, this obligation has been re-affirmed by the ILO in their report to the March 2014 meeting of the Governing Body which states that:

“As regards the situation of Mr Shahabi, the Government indicates that it genuinely continues its constructive attempts to seek his parole and pardon through legal channels. The Government recalls that, when meeting with the Director of the International Labour Standards Department of the ILO, on 17 April 2012, the Minister of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare had reaffirmed the Government’s inclination for the immediate freedom of Mr Shahabi; he had instructed his Deputy for International Affairs to closely follow this case. In relation to the accusation of maltreatment of Mr Shahabi, the Government states that any alleged mistreatment of suspects and arrested people, irrespective of the charges against them, shall be subject to appropriate legal prosecuting and that perpetrators thereof would be sued and duly punished if found guilty of the attributed maltreatments and neglects charges; in this respect, Mr Shahabi has the power to exercise his constitutional and legal rights toward reclamation of his rights, if he so decides.

‘In regard to the allegations of negligence and carelessness in addressing the immediate medical needs of Mr Reza Shahabi during his prison term, the Government indicates that the Department of Prisons, Correctional and Rehabilitation Services is responsible for the safety, security and health of prisoners, and that different articles of the Executive Standing Order of the said department legally requires it to constantly supervise the public and individual situation of the prison inmates and address their needs immediately. Paragraph 1 of Article 44 of the Standing Order requires the prison ombudsperson to closely monitor any infringement of the legitimate rights of the prisoners. The Government states that, realizing the importance of providing a detailed account of Mr Shahabi’s medical treatment, it will undertake to provide the Committee with a detailed report on his medical treatment. The Government indicates that he has already been in hospital for bone spurs’ treatment.”

Despite the statements by the Government, and repeated commitments for proper treatment, these promises continue regularly to be broken. Furthermore, Shahabi was recently transferred from Section 350 of Evin prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison, in the city of Karaj. In protest at this transfer- to a prison where political prisoners and violent criminals are held together – it is reported that Shahabi started a hunger strike.

Given the developments with Shahabi’s health and the deterioration of the situation, the Government has little choice but to act now. The ITF once again forcefully repeats its position that no worker be imprisoned for his/her trade union activities, much less be treated in a way which amounts to deliberate torture. ITF affiliated members  are urgently demanding that Shahabi is released immediately and unconditionally from prison. Pending his release, the Federation also demands that ShahAbi’s physical integrity and safety are fully respected.

The ITF will continue to monitor the development of the situation carefully. The ITF and ITUC have already written to the ILO, which has indicated that it supports the demand for the unconditional release of Shahabi and the provision of appropriate and necessary medical treatment.

The Federation continues to support its affiliate and worldwide, its members will not hesitate to demonstrate their solidarity, should this be necessary.’

The ITF has also launched a LabourStart appeal which asks people to send messages of protest at Shahabi’s detention to the Iranian president. This is at and attracted 1,000 signatures in its first two hours.

Amnesty International recogniseS Reza Shahabi as a prisoner of conscience. See: