Global daily news 15.07.2014

Transport unions condemn Gaza airstrikes and launch appeal to aid victims

An ITF aid shipment to Gaza in 2009
The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has condemned the growing number of deaths resulting from Israeli military strikes against Gaza in the last few days and launched an appeal to assist those affected. The air strikes have been in response to the launch of missiles into Israel by Hamas, but the Israeli response is widely seen as vastly disproportionate and with a near total disregard for civilian lives.
ITF president Paddy Crumlin stated:
“We strongly condemn the strikes by the Israeli military which are being launched into one of the most densely populated areas in the world. This is done in the full knowledge that there will be horrendous civilian casualties. We call for the urgent implementation of the UN Security Council’s call for an immediate ceasefire.”
The ITF’s call joins that of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) in demanding that an immediate ceasefire be followed by renewed international pressure to end Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and find a negotiated settlement to respect the 1967 borders between Israel and a Palestinian state.
More than 170 civilians have been killed in Gaza in six days of continuous air strikes including many children; more than 1,000 have been injured. Thousands of families have had to flee their homes. To date there have been no Israeli casualties from Hamas missiles.
The ITF’s member union the Gaza Bus Drivers’ Union has reported that the humanitarian situation in Gaza has reached crisis point. All normal transport operations are stopped and fishing boats have become victims of military strikes.
The ITF is launching an immediate relief effort coordinated by its office in Amman, Jordan. See for details of how trade unions can help send food and medical supplies to the people of Gaza.
“We are already preparing the means to send medical supplies and equipment to Gaza as soon as this becomes practically possible. I am making an urgent call to all ITF-affiliated unions to provide financial support for a trade union humanitarian relief effort for Gaza,”Crumlin concluded.
In 2009 a similar ITF programme delivered ambulances, food and medicine during the attacks at that time.
The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has demanded the release of Reza Shahabi, the imprisoned Iranian trade unionist and prisoner of conscience. Shahabi, who is the treasurer of the ITF member union the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (otherwise known as the Vahed union), was unjustly arrested in 2010 and is now on a hunger strike.
In a strongly worded letter sent today to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, the ITF’s acting general secretary, Steve Cotton, stated:
‘The ITF has written to your government on a number of occasions to demand Shahabi’s release and to ensure that he is provided with the medical treatment he needs. The Federation also on several occasions reminded you of your country’s international legal obligations to comply with international human rights and labour standards, and in particular on the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
‘Indeed, this obligation has been re-affirmed by the ILO in their report to the March 2014 meeting of the Governing Body which states that:
“As regards the situation of Mr Shahabi, the Government indicates that it genuinely continues its constructive attempts to seek his parole and pardon through legal channels. The Government recalls that, when meeting with the Director of the International Labour Standards Department of the ILO, on 17 April 2012, the Minister of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare had reaffirmed the Government’s inclination for the immediate freedom of Mr Shahabi; he had instructed his Deputy for International Affairs to closely follow this case. In relation to the accusation of maltreatment of Mr Shahabi, the Government states that any alleged mistreatment of suspects and arrested people, irrespective of the charges against them, shall be subject to appropriate legal prosecuting and that perpetrators thereof would be sued and duly punished if found guilty of the attributed maltreatments and neglects charges; in this respect, Mr Shahabi has the power to exercise his constitutional and legal rights toward reclamation of his rights, if he so decides.
‘In regard to the allegations of negligence and carelessness in addressing the immediate medical needs of Mr Reza Shahabi during his prison term, the Government indicates that the Department of Prisons, Correctional and Rehabilitation Services is responsible for the safety, security and health of prisoners, and that different articles of the Executive Standing Order of the said department legally requires it to constantly supervise the public and individual situation of the prison inmates and address their needs immediately. Paragraph 1 of Article 44 of the Standing Order requires the prison ombudsperson to closely monitor any infringement of the legitimate rights of the prisoners. The Government states that, realizing the importance of providing a detailed account of Mr Shahabi’s medical treatment, it will undertake to provide the Committee with a detailed report on his medical treatment. The Government indicates that he has already been in hospital for bone spurs’ treatment.”
Despite the statements by the Government, and repeated commitments for proper treatment, these promises continue regularly to be broken. Furthermore, Shahabi was recently transferred from Section 350 of Evin prison in Tehran to Raja’i Shahr prison, in the city of Karaj. In protest at this transfer- to a prison where political prisoners and violent criminals are held together – it is reported that Shahabi started a hunger strike.
Given the developments with Shahabi’s health and the deterioration of the situation, the Government has little choice but to act now. The ITF once again forcefully repeats its position that no worker be imprisoned for his/her trade union activities, much less be treated in a way which amounts to deliberate torture. ITF affiliated members  are urgently demanding that Shahabi is released immediately and unconditionally from prison. Pending his release, the Federation also demands that ShahAbi’s physical integrity and safety are fully respected.
The ITF will continue to monitor the development of the situation carefully. The ITF and ITUC have already written to the ILO, which has indicated that it supports the demand for the unconditional release of Shahabi and the provision of appropriate and necessary medical treatment.
The Federation continues to support its affiliate and worldwide, its members will not hesitate to demonstrate their solidarity, should this be necessary.’
The ITF has also launched a LabourStart appeal which asks people to send messages of protest at Shahabi’s detention to the Iranian president. This attracted 1,000 signatures in its first two hours.


14 July 2014. ITF registers concern with US SEC over Chevron’s apparent misrepresentations regarding Gorgon

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has called on the US Securities and Exchange Commission to scrutinise recent apparent misrepresentations made by multinational energy corporation Chevron regarding the company’s largest upstream development, the Gorgon gas project in northwest Australia.

The ITF argues that Chevron has not provided adequate disclosure about the risks, timing and cost of the Gorgon project. At present Chevron continues to project a mid-2015 completion date for the Gorgon project, which represents the single largest component of the company’s total capital expenditure and exploratory budget.

However, other project owners and customers have signalled they are planning further delay. Chevron is the lead partner on the Gorgon project with a 47.3 percent interest, Exxon-Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell each hold 25 percent each and Osaka Gas, Tokyo Gas and Chubu Electric have 1.25, 1 and 0.417 percent respectively. 

The ITF’s concern follows a long history of sudden and suspicious delay announcements by Chevron relating both to Gorgon and other projects.

ITF president and MUA national secretary Paddy Crumlin said the Securities and Exchange Commission should be alert to what is happening.

“This is Chevron’s most important single project and it would appear that shareholders and the public have been receiving a steady stream of misrepresentations about it from the start,” Crumlin said.

“Between 2009 and 2012 Chevron told investors that the project would cost $US37 billion and first gas would arrive in early 2014. Yet suddenly in December 2012 the company reported that the project was over budget by $US14 billion and would be delayed by six months to the beginning of 2015. It seems hard to believe that Chevron only became aware of delays and cost overruns in December.

“Then, in December 2013, the company again reported a delay and a cost overrun of $US2 billion.

“This makes Gorgon the most delayed and over-budget LNG project in Australia and the second most delayed and over-budget energy project in the world today.”

Crumlin pointed out that Chevron has form in the area.

“The company has previously failed to disclose critical information about the LNG operations of Cabinda in Angola, neglecting to inform shareholders that the facility was shutdown,” he said.

“We need to demand better. Chevron continues to emphasise that the Gorgon project is one of the foundations of its short and long-term success in the LNG market, yet it seems that shareholders and the public are not getting the real picture.

“We recommend that the US Securities and Exchange Commission keep a very wary eye on Chevron’s words and actions when it comes to Gorgon.”


Sam Dawson
Во встрече приняли участие представители самых добросовестных работодателей, которые трудоустраивают моряков на суда иностранных судовладельцев. Также к диалогу были приглашены специалисты юридического Бюро Сергеевых и инспектор ITF на Украине Наталья Ефрименко. «Необходимость подобной встречи была обусловлена подписанием нового Модельного соглашения IBF на 2015-2017 года, которое было подписано в начале июня. В него внесены были значительные изменения, и мы должны были рассказать о них широкому кругу наших партнеров. Кроме того, у компаний назрели актуальные вопросы – в частности, могут ил они работать с моряками, которые проживают в Крыму. Эти и другие не менее важные вопросы мы решили обсудить во время встречи» – отметил Олег Григорюк, Первый заместитель Председателя ПРМТУ.

9 июля в Марселе состоялась ежегодная встреча представителей оффшорной рабочей группы Международной федерации транспортников (ITF) с одной из крупнейших компаний на оффшорном рынке – компанией Bourbon Offshore.
Напомним, что год назад Bourbon Offshore и ITF заключили глобальный договор о сотрудничестве и взаимопонимании, который стал отправной точкой в развитии отношений между крупнейшим оффшорным судовладельцем и Международной федерацией транспортных рабочих.

В рамках встречи, представители Bourbon Offshore Фредерик Моулин, Вице Президент, и Эвелин Илиоу, глава
крюингового департамента, провели презентацию и рассказали о положении вещей в компании, составе экипажей, национальной принадлежности, регионах основной работы и ключевых приоритетах в развитии.
Основными составляющими успехов компании являются грамотное управление вопросами безопасности, контроль за расходами, а также внушительные инвестиции в образование
и специализированное обучение экипажей судов. На образование и повышение квалификации своих сотрудников только в 2013 году  Bourbon Offshore потратил солидные 20 млн евро по всему
миру, обучив более 11000 своих сотрудников – как моряков, так и береговых работников. Затем последовало заявление от лидера оффшорной группы ITF Норри МакВикара об установлении продуктивного диалога с Bourbon Offshore посредством принятия реальных шагов к подписанию коллективных договоров с членскими организациями ITF и тем самым продемонстрировать заложенные в глобальном договоре намерения на деле. Одним из основных вопросов встречи стал вопрос о продолжении переговоров с единственной  морской членской организацией ITF на Украине – Профсоюзом работников морского транспорта Украины. Напомним, что в прошлом году на встрече в Одессе локальное руководство Bourbon Offshore Ukraine и ПРМТУ договорились рассмотреть возможность сотрудничества и обсудить представленный ПРМТУ коллективный договор оффшорного стандарта ITF. Компания взяла паузу, изучила договор и готова к продолжению диалога. “Настало время продолжить общение, мы с позитивом смотрим в будущее, ведьBourbon Offshore один из основных игроков на оффшорном рынке, дающий возможность сотням молодых украинских специалистов начать свой путь в оффшорной индустрии. Стандарты, диктуемые рынком, практически совпадают с устанавливаемыми ITF нормами, для оффшорного сектора, поэтому дело за малым – начать совместную работу”- прокомментировал результаты встречи Первый заместитель Председателя ПРМТУ Олег Григорюк.