Global daily news 16.05.2014


— Hoffa-Led Global Delegation Calls for Board Oversight of Worker Rights

BIRMINGHAM, England, May 14, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa led a powerful delegation of Teamsters, including North American school bus workers, in calling on the National Express Group PLC (NEX: LN) Board of Directors to address the company’s poor worker rights record at its North American subsidiaries. The delegation brought these concerns to the company’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of shareholders today in Birmingham, England.
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The Teamsters delegation joined forces with British union Unite, the International Transport Federation and British National Express workers, as they raised serious issues with the company’s worker rights policies and practices at its North American subsidiaries, Durham School Services in the U.S. and Stock Transportation in Canada.
The Teamsters Union and major shareholders sponsored a shareholder resolution to improve oversight of the company’s worker rights practices at the AGM. Major proxy advisors also recommended that shareholders vote against increasing CEO pay, reflecting growing discontent with the Board’s oversight of management.
“National Express is waging war on workers who want to exercise their basic human right to form a union,” Hoffa said. “North American management harasses and intimidates workers and takes shortcuts on safety and working conditions. The men and women who transport our children deserve better. I urge the National Express Board of Directors to improve oversight of this company’s operations.”
“It’s outrageous for National Express to have one standard for workers here and to employ the opposite in the U.S.,” said Len McCluskey, General Secretary of Unite the Union. “An attack on Teamsters is an attack on Unite.”
“This is a business that has tremendous opportunity. Instead, management would rather wage a relentless anti-union campaign that divides its work force, causes costly high turnover and puts safety at risk. We will continue to raise these issues until workers at this company are respected by management,” said Rick Middleton, International Vice President and Chair of the Teamsters’ Drive Up Standards campaign to improve working conditions for school bus and transit workers.
School bus drivers and monitors who work for Durham in Illinois, Florida and South Carolina, spoke about their experiences working for the company.
“I drive children with special needs. This winter, many of us did not have heat on our Durham buses. It was so cold that I bought blankets for the children to stay warm. A multi-million dollar, multinational company should not treat its workers or the children we transport this way,” said Patricia Chillis, a Durham driver in Aurora, Ill.
The Teamsters Union, a group of United Kingdom local authority pension funds–Greater Manchester, London Borough of Islington and Nottinghamshire County Council–and more than 100 individual investors sponsored Resolution 22. The resolution calls on the National Express Board of Directors to improve Board oversight of human capital management, and finally address systemic and longstanding issues with how management treats its workers in North America. Resolution 22 is believed to be the only shareholder resolution filed at a British company this year, and the first shareholder requisitioned resolution to be presented at a National Express AGM – an indication of the growing frustration with the National Express Board of Directors among shareholders.
The Teamsters Drive Up Standards campaign to improve safety, service and work standards in the private school bus and transit industry began in 2006. Since then, more than 36,500 North American school bus and transit workers have become Teamsters.
For more information on Resolution 22, visit [] [].
Founded in 1903, the Teamsters Union represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit [] [] for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and “like” us on Facebook at [] [].
Kara Deniz +1-202-497-6610, []


***Aeroviários brasileiros ameaçam greve durante a Copa do Mundo
Segundo a Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Aviação Civil, cerca de 50 mil trabalhadores podem atrasar procedimentos e operações nos aeroportos
Nelson Lima Neto
RIO – Faltando menos de um mês para a Copa do Mundo, os aeroviários brasileiros e funcionários do grupo Latam em toda a América Latina podem cruzar os braços ou atrasar a logística de suas operações caso acordos trabalhistas não sejam acertados nos próximos dias. Segundo as Federações Internacional dos Trabalhadores do Transporte (Itf, na sigla em Inglês) e Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Aviação Civil (Fentac), acordos trabalhistas não foram fechados desde o final do ano passado, quando começaram as negociações, gerando um impasse entre os funcionários e as empresas.
Os representantes dos aeroviários – que englobam os operadores de check-in, pista e bagagem, por exemplo -, que no Brasil passam dos 50 mil funcionários em todas as companhias aéreas, pedem reajustes superiores aos da inflação, além de benefícios e bônus relacionados à Copa do Mundo.
— Questões como a operação de voo, trâmite para bagagem e check-in serão prejudicados caso nenhum acordo seja feito. Acaba virando uma bola de neve, com um atraso levando a outro, ainda mais com o número de voos sendo ainda maior. O transtorno será grande — explica Sérgio Dias, presidente da Fentac.
Já entre os funcionários do Grupo Latam – criada com a fusão das companhias LAN e TAM -, o problema está na falta de conversas com os trabalhadores peruanos e argentinos. Sem diálogo com os diretores da empresa, a categoria decidiu por unir todos os trabalhadores nos países em que atua na América do Sul – Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Equador Paraguai e Peru – na cobrança de melhores condições de trabalho em todos os países.
Caso nenhum acordo seja costurado até o início da Copa, atrasos nos procedimentos habituais de voo serão feitos, com a possibilidade de greve, segundo Gabriel Mocho, secretário de Aviação Civil da Itf. Os representantes dos funcionários do grupo dão um prazo de 30 dias para que as conversas sejam iniciadas. Mantido o impasse, grande parte dos funcionários do grupo, como os responsáveis pela manutenção de aeronaves e o check-in de passageiros, suspenderá suas operações.
— Hoje, o que a empresa faz é uma espécie de dumping social. Para as mesmas funções, trabalhadores do Peru, por exemplo, ganham menos que os funcionários brasileiros e chilenos. Enquanto eles usam um valor para pagar um técnico aqui no Brasil, eles usam o mesmo para contratar dois no Peru. Estamos atrás dessa correção. Que não exista essa diferenciação — avalia Mocho.
O grupo Latam conta com mais de 50 mil funcionários em toda a América Latina e tem a perspectiva de realizar mais de 300 voos internacionais durante a Copa do Mundo. Nas operações nacionais, cerca de 750 voos serão adicionados à operação.
Segundo a Associação Brasileira das Empresas Aéreas (Abear) e o Sindicato Nacional das Empresas Aéras (Snea) acordos trabalhistas já foram feitos com os aeronautas e com parte dos aeroviários. Com isso, nenhum acordo com a outra parcela de aeroviários está sendo discutido no momento.

Brazilian airline staff threaten to strike during the World Cup
According to the National Federation of Workers in Civil Aviation , about 50 thousand workers may delay procedures and operations at airports

Nelson Lima Neto

RIO – With less than a month to the World Cup , the Brazilian airline staff and officials Latam group in Latin America can cross your arms or delay the logistics operations where labor agreements are not agreed in the coming days . According to the International Federation of Transport Workers (ITF , its acronym in English ) and National Workers Civil Aviation ( Fentac ) , labor agreements have not been closed since the end of last year , when they began negotiations to a stalemate between employees and businesses .

The representatives of the airline staff – spanning operators check-in , runway and baggage , for example – which in Brazil are 50 thousand employees in all airlines , asking higher than inflation adjustments , plus benefits and bonuses related to World Cup .

– Issues such as flight operations , proceeding to baggage and check-in will be harmed if no agreement is made . Turns into a snowball , with a delay leading to another , especially with the number of flights being even greater . The disorder is great – explains Sérgio Dias, president of Fentac .

Among the officials Latam Group – created with the merger of LAN and TAM companies – the problem is the lack of conversations with Peruvian and Argentine workers . No dialogue with the directors of the company , the category decided to unite all workers in the countries in which it operates in South America – Argentina , Brazil , Chile , Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru – the collection of better working conditions in all countries .

If no agreement is tailored to the beginning of World Cup delays in normal flight procedures will be made , with the possibility of a strike , according to Gabriel Mocho , Secretary of Civil Aviation Itf . The representatives of the employees of the Group give a deadline of 30 days for the talks to be initiated . Maintained the deadlock , most employees of the group , as those responsible for aircraft maintenance and check-in of passengers , suspend its operations .

– Today , what the company does is a kind of social dumping . For the same functions , workers in Peru , for example , earn less than Brazilian and Chilean officials . While they use a value to pay a technician here in Brazil , they use it to hire two in Peru . We’re after this fix . That no such distinction exists – evaluates Mocho .

Latam The group has more than 50,000 employees throughout Latin America and has the prospect of performing more than 300 international flights during the World Cup . In domestic operations , about 750 flights will be added to the operation .

According to the National Association of Brazilian Airline ( Abear ) and the Union of Enterprises Aeras ( Snea ) labor agreements have been made ​​with airmen and part of the airline staff . Thus , any agreement with another installment of airline staff is being discussed at the moment.


Cleo Guimarães 12.05.2014 15h02m

Aeroviários do Grupo Latam – das empresas Lan e Tam – estão reunidos na sede da Federação Internacional dos Trabalhadores em Transportes (ITF), em Copacabana, para discutir uma possível paralisação e atrasos dos voos durante a Copa do Mundo.

Os funcionários reclamam que as negociações por melhores salários e condições de trabalho estão paradas há quase um ano. E os líderes sindicais se queixam de que a empresa vem tentando enfraquecer o movimento, oferecendo incentivos extras – como prêmios em dinheiro, promoções e estabilidade no emprego para os trabalhadores que abandonarem o sindicato.


Funcionários da Lan e Tam ameaçam greve durante a Copa
12 de maio de 2014 | 20h 01
DANIELA AMORIM – Agencia Estado
Funcionários das companhias aéreas Lan e Tam no Brasil, que formam o grupo Latam, ameaçam cruzar os braços durante a Copa do Mundo caso não sejam retomadas as negociações salariais com trabalhadores do Peru, que receberiam salários menores do que os colegas empregados em países vizinhos. Em nota, os representantes dos trabalhadores informaram ter entregue documento aos acionistas e passageiros das companhias relatando os problemas vividos por funcionários das filias no Peru e na Argentina.
Nesta segunda-feira, 12, os trabalhadores se reuniram no Rio de Janeiro para discutir o problema, Presente ao encontro, o presidente da Federação dos Trabalhadores da Aviação Civil, Sérgio Dias, lembrou que as negociações entre a LAN Peru e comissários de voo e mecânicos estão paralisadas há quase seis meses.
O sindicalista alertou que a perspectiva de paralisação durante a Copa do Mundo é ainda maior porque aeroviários de outras companhias também estão insatisfeitos com os rumos da campanha salarial no Brasil. Segundo ele, as companhias não estão atendendo as reivindicações da categoria, que pede um reajuste salarial de 8% e um aumento de 10% no vale refeição.
“O grau de insatisfação da categoria é muito grande”, disse. Além disso, criticou a gestão da Latam, que, segundo ele, promove uma desigualdade entre os seus trabalhadores baseados em diferentes países. Segundo ele, a Lan paga aos trabalhadores peruanos a metade do salário dos trabalhadores chilenos na mesma posição e empresa.
De acordo com os sindicalistas, o grupo Latam vai realizar mais de 300 voos internacionais para o Brasil. A maior parte dos passageiros virá do Chile, do Peru e da Inglaterra. No Brasil, a Tam Linhas Aéreas terá um aumento de 31% em suas ofertas e vai adicionar mais de 750 voos domésticos.


Lan and Tam officials threaten strike during the World Cup
May 12, 2014 | 20h 01
DANIELA Amorim – State Agency

Officials of Lan Airlines and Tam in Brazil , Latam forming the group , threatening cross their arms during the World Cup if no wage negotiations with workers from Peru , who receive lower salaries than their colleagues employed in neighboring countries to resume. In a statement , representatives of workers reported having delivered the document to shareholders and passengers of the companies reporting problems experienced by employees of filias in Peru and Argentina.

On Monday , 12 workers gathered in Rio de Janeiro to discuss the problem , During the meeting , the president of the Federation of Workers of Civil Aviation, Sérgio Dias recalled that negotiations between the Commissioners and LAN Peru flight and mechanics have been stalled for nearly six months.

The union warned that the prospect of downtime during the World Cup is even greater because airline staff of other companies are also dissatisfied with the direction of the living wage campaign in Brazil . According to him , companies are not meeting the claims of the class , asking for a salary increase of 8 % and an 10% increase in food stamps .

” The level of dissatisfaction category is very large ,” he said . Moreover , criticized the management of Latam , which he promotes inequality among its employees based in different countries . According to him, Lan paid to Peruvian workers half the salary of Chilean workers in the same position and company .

According to the union , the Latam group will perform more than 300 international flights to Brazil . Most passengers come from Chile, Peru and England . In Brazil, Tam Linhas Aereas will increase by 31 % in its offerings and will add more than 750 domestic flights .


***Aeroviários da Latam ameaçam paralisação às vésperas da Copa
Aeroviários da Latam ameaçam paralisação às vésperas da Copa O secretário de Aviação Civil da ITF, Gabriel Mocho, disse que a chance de haver paralisação da categoria, justamente na época da Copa, é real

Publicação: 12/05/2014 21:05 Atualização:

Turistas que se preparam para vir ao Brasil durante a Copa do Mundo, principalmente da América Latina, podem sofrer os impactos de uma paralisação na empresa Latam, que reúne a chilena Lan e a brasileira TAM. Mesmo os passageiros internos correm o risco de serem atingidos por uma eventual greve, pois o sistema aéreo é encadeado e o atraso em um voo acaba prejudicando o outro.

Sindicatos dos empregados do grupo Latam se reuniram hoje (12) e voltarão a se encontrar amanhã (13), na sede da Federação Internacional dos Trabalhadores de Transporte (ITF), no Rio de Janeiro, debatendo os problemas da categoria e definindo o que será feito. O secretário de Aviação Civil da ITF, Gabriel Mocho, disse que a chance de haver paralisação da categoria, justamente na época da Copa, é real.

“Estamos tentando, nos últimos meses, um diálogo direto com a gerência regional da Latam, para evitar problemas, mas só encontramos negativas da companhia, que não quer dialogar com os sindicatos. Não é nosso desejo afetar os passageiros, ainda mais na Copa do Mundo. Mas o tempo está acabando. [Se não formos recebidos], isso certamente pode levar à paralisação”, advertiu Mocho.

A Latam tem cerca de 55 mil empregados e 700 aviões. Segundo os sindicalistas, a companhia já tem contratados para a Copa mil voos fretados, inclusive da Europa. Além do Brasil, onde está representada pela TAM, a companhia está presente na Argentina, no Chile, Peru, Equador, Paraguai e na Colômbia. Os serviços de manutenção das aeronaves estão concentrados no Peru, justamente onde a empresa encontra a maior resistência dos trabalhadores, pelo baixos salários pagos aos mecânicos. Por mês, os funcionários peruanos são responsáveis pela verificação e conserto de 70 aeronaves, 16 delas da TAM.

Para o presidente da Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Aviação Civil (Fentac), Sérgio Dias, o maior problema é referente aos aeroviários, funcionários que trabalham em terra. “Os mesmos trabalhadores, em países diferentes [da companhia], recebem quase a metade do salário [em comparação aos outros colegas]. Quanto à TAM, a empresa ainda não fechou a convenção coletiva em relação aos aeroviários. E algumas empresas, ainda que terceirizadas, estão retirando direitos dos trabalhadores, com aumento da carga horária. Esses funcionários são responsáveis pela bagagens, pelos guichês de embarque e pelas rampas, o que pode ocasionar atrasos e até cancelamentos de voos”, disse Dias: “Existe uma inquietude de todos os aeroviários, não apenas dos ligados à TAM. É um movimento generalizado”.

Procurada, a assessoria de imprensa da TAM divulgou nota de apenas uma linha, sem se posicionar detalhadamente sobre as reivindicações dos trabalhadores: “A TAMinforma que não há ameaça oficial de greve neste momento”.


Latam airline staff threaten strike on the eve of Cup

Latam airline staff threaten strike on the eve of Cup Secretary Civil Aviation ITF , Gabriel Mocho , said the chance of downtime category , just at the time of the World Cup is real

Brazil Agency

Posted: 12/05/2014 21:05 Updated :

Tourists who are preparing to come to Brazil for the World Cup , especially in Latin America , may suffer the impacts from a standstill in Latam company that brings together the Chilean and Brazilian TAM Lan . Even domestic passengers run the risk of being affected by a possible strike, as the airline system is chained and delay a flight ends up hurting each other.

Unions of employees Latam group gathered today ( 12 ) and will meet tomorrow ( 13 ) at the headquarters of the International Transport Workers Federation ( ITF ) , in Rio de Janeiro , discussing the problems of defining the category and that will be made . The Secretary of the ITF Civil Aviation , Gabriel Mocho , said the chance of downtime category , just at the time the World Cup, is real .

“We are trying , in recent months , a direct dialogue with the regional management of Latam , to avoid problems , but only negative we found the company that does not want dialogue with the unions . It is our desire to affect the passengers , even in the World Cup . But time is running out . [ If we did not received ] , this can certainly lead to paralysis , “warned Mocho .

The Latam has about 55,000 employees and 700 aircraft . According to the union , the company has already contracted for the Cup thousand charter flights , including Europe . Apart from Brazil , where it is represented by TAM , the company operates in Argentina, Chile , Peru , Ecuador, Paraguay and Colombia . The maintenance services of aircraft are concentrated in Peru , precisely where the company is the biggest strength of workers at low wages paid to mechanics. Per month , Peruvian officials are responsible for checking and repair of 70 aircraft , 16 of them TAM .

The president of the National Federation of Workers in Civil Aviation ( Fentac ) , Sérgio Dias, the biggest problem is related to airline staff , employees working ashore . ” The same workers in different countries [ the company ] , receive almost half the salary [compared to other colleagues ] . As for TAM , the company has not closed the collective agreement in relation to airline staff . And some companies , even if outsourced , are withdrawing rights of workers , with increased workload . These employees are responsible for luggage , the counters and boarding ramps , which can lead to delays and cancellations of flights , “said Day : ” There is a restlessness of all airline staff , not just those related to TAM . It is a widespread movement. “

When contacted , a spokesperson for TAM issued a statement of only one line , without positioning detail about the workers claims : ” The TAMinforma ‘s unofficial strike threat at this time .”


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Aeroviários da Latam ameaçam paralisação às vésperas da Copa
  • 12/05/2014 20h42
  • 15/05/2014 07h57
  • Rio de Janeiro
Vladimir Platonow – Repórter da Agência Brasil Edição: Helena Martins
Turistas que se preparam para vir ao Brasil durante a Copa do Mundo, principalmente da América Latina, podem sofrer os impactos de uma paralisação na empresa Latam, que reúne a chilena Lan e a brasileira TAM. Mesmo os passageiros internos correm o risco de serem atingidos por uma eventual greve, pois o sistema aéreo é encadeado e o atraso em um voo acaba prejudicando o outro.
Sindicatos dos empregados do grupo Latam estão reunidos hoje (12) e amanhã (13), na sede da Federação Internacional dos Trabalhadores de Transporte (ITF), no Rio de Janeiro, debatendo os problemas da categoria e definindo o que será feito. O secretário de Aviação Civil da ITF, Gabriel Mocho, disse que a chance de haver paralisação da categoria, justamente na época da Copa, é real.
“Estamos tentando, nos últimos meses, um diálogo direto com a gerência regional da Latam, para evitar problemas, mas só encontramos negativas da companhia, que não quer dialogar com os sindicatos. Não é nosso desejo afetar os passageiros, ainda mais na Copa do Mundo. Mas o tempo está acabando. [Se não formos recebidos], isso certamente pode levar à paralisação”, advertiu Mocho.
A Latam tem cerca de 55 mil empregados e 700 aviões. Segundo os sindicalistas, a companhia já tem contratados para a Copa mil voos fretados, inclusive da Europa. Além do Brasil, onde está representada pela TAM, a companhia está presente na Argentina, no Chile, Peru, Equador, Paraguai e na Colômbia. Os serviços de manutenção das aeronaves estão concentrados no Peru, justamente onde a empresa encontra a maior resistência dos trabalhadores, pelo baixos salários pagos aos mecânicos. Por mês, os funcionários peruanos são responsáveis pela verificação e conserto de 70 aeronaves, 16 delas da TAM.
Para o presidente da Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Aviação Civil (Fentac), Sérgio Dias, o maior problema é referente aos aeroviários, funcionários que trabalham em terra. “Os mesmos trabalhadores, em países diferentes [da companhia], recebem quase a metade do salário [em comparação aos outros colegas]. Quanto à TAM, a empresa ainda não fechou a convenção coletiva em relação aos aeroviários. E algumas empresas, ainda que terceirizadas, estão retirando direitos dos trabalhadores, com aumento da carga horária. Esses funcionários são responsáveis pela bagagens, pelos guichês de embarque e pelas rampas, o que pode ocasionar atrasos e até cancelamentos de voos”, disse Dias: “Existe uma inquietude de todos os aeroviários, não apenas dos ligados à TAM. É um movimento generalizado”.
Procurada, a assessoria de imprensa da TAM divulgou nota de apenas uma linha, sem se posicionar detalhadamente sobre as reivindicações dos trabalhadores: “A TAMinforma que não há ameaça oficial de greve neste momento”.


Brussels, 15 May 2014
As of 1st April 2014, the European Commission has abandoned its policy to only use International Air Transport Association (IATA) airlines for professional missions and its officials are now obliged to fly low cost airlines. The Commission staff and the European civil aviation employees condemn this approach. They urge the Commission to revise its position and revert to a responsible and ethically defendable policy in this matter.
Commissions’ decision to oblige its officials to use airlines with the lowest fares is not only an effort to save taxpayers’ money, but unfortunately it also gives an important political signal by endorsing the operating model of those airlines. Both Ryanair and Easyjet, for instance, have been accused several times of non-respect of passenger rights as stipulated by Regulation (EC) 261/2004. For example, Easyjet has been condemned to several fines because it did not accept passengers with special needs. Ryanair on the other hand has recently lost several courtcases raised by its ex-workers for non-respect of labour legislation and unfair dismissal.
François Ballestero, European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) Political Secretary for Civil Aviation and Tourism, commented: “This decision indicates that the Commission does not care about the enforcement of its own legislation. It gives a clear sign to those ‘cowboys’ that they can carry on their social dumping practices, now even sponsored by EU money. This is not acceptable for the ETF and we will continue to fight against it.”
Georges Tsolos, Vice-President of Union Syndicale, added: “It is unaceptable that the Commission grants an ‘official supplier’ status to an airline that does not treat its passengers and staff properly, this is giving a negative sign to the whole society.”
Therefore, the ETF and Union Syndicale have decided to jointly approach the Commission with a proposal to change its staff travel policy. Furthermore, the ETF will launch a list of FAIRlines that follow principles of decent work and respect workers’ rights.
For further information, please contact François Ballestero, ETF Political Secretary, or Georges Tsolos, Union Syndicale Vice-President,
The ETF represents more than 2.5 million transport workers from 243 transport unions and 41 European countries, in the following sectors: railways, road transport and logistics, maritime transport, inland waterways, civil aviation, ports & docks, tourism and fisheries.
Union Syndicale is the biggest trade union in the European Public Service. It has its headquarters in Brussels, and its members are drawn from all the European institutions and other organisations. Union Syndicale is the principal and unavoidable negotiator for the EU staff.


Sewol master and three crew members could face the death penalty
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Sewol’s master Lee Joon-seok: Homicide through gross negligence is a capital crime in South Korea. ©2014 Yonhap/AP
South Korean prosecutors bring indictments of homicide through gross negligence
SOUTH Korea’s authorities have indicted the master and three crew members of the ferry that sank last month for homicide through gross negligence, a crime punishable by death.
Sewol capsized and eventually submerged on a routine journey from Incheon to Jeju Island, killing 281 of the 476 passengers on board.
Rescuers continue to search for 23 missing people. Many of the casualties were children and their teachers on a school trip.
South Korean prosecutors told reporters in Seoul that the 69-year-old master Lee Joon-seok, the first and second officers and the chief engineer fled the vessel as hundreds of passengers remained on board.
The four have been accused of abandoning the ship without trying to evacuate the passengers, Yonhap News Agency reported.
Prosecutors also charged another 11 crew members for negligence because they escaped off the ship before many passengers.
Sewol, which lost part of its capability to maintain stability after remodelling work to add capacity, was massively overloaded and had insufficient water in its ballast tanks when the incident occurred, according to prosecutors.
When the ship sailed into strong currents, Capt Lee left navigation work to the third officer and the crew made a sharp turn of 15 degrees.
That was why Sewol listed rapidly and sank, prosecutors said.
Last week, South Korean authorities arrested the chief executive of ferry operator Cheonghaejin Marine, whose business licences are being revoked.
Prosecutors are also seeking to detain some members of the family that owns Cheonghaejin Marine, including one based in the US.
The South Korean government has faced strong criticism for not launching rescue operations in a timely manner, prompting president Park Geun-hye to offer a public apology and her premier to resign.
The investigation has also put the roles of Korean Register and Korean Shipping Association as industry monitoring bodies under the spotlight.
At the end of April, KR chairman Chon Young-Kee resigned “to ease the pain and sorrow of the Korean people and the families who lost their loved ones onboard Sewol”, the class society said.


Media release: FIRST Union
Thursday 15 May, 2014
Pickets of BP service stations suspended as talks with Toll resume
Pickets of BP services stations due to get underway this afternoon in Wellington and Christchurch have been suspended following developments late yesterday.
A small group of petroleum tanker drivers at Toll Carriers in Northland have been taking industrial action in support of a pay claim since May 1.  The drivers supply the BP and Gasoline Alley service stations in Northland.
The drivers, members of FIRST Union,  have been bargaining since January for a collective agreement and wage rates closer to what competitors pay.
FIRST Union Transport & Logistics organiser Jared Abbott said that BP had yesterday facilitated the resumption of negotiations, and that FIRST Union and Toll will be meeting on Friday with a view to progress negotiations to achieve a collective agreement for the workers including a pay increase.