***Duty bound to help abandoned sailors
While amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 cover abandonment, flag states should play their part too
UNLESS the situation has changed radically, the Panamanian-flag B Ladybug, a 27,003-dwt vehicle carrier managed from Singapore, remains adrift off the coast of Malta about a year after its owner got into financial difficulties.
International Labour Organization (ILO) representatives visited the ship’s crew and made a film about the case.
That film was shown to the 300 representatives of seafarers, shipowners and governments, meeting at the ILO’s headquarters last week. They agreed that the first amendments to the ILO’s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, (MLC) will protect abandoned seafarers as well as provide financial security for compensation in cases of death and long-term disability due to occupational injury or hazard.
The amendments were developed over nearly a decade by a Joint Working Group established by the ILO and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1998 and will strengthen the 2006 convention. They establish mandatory requirements that shipowners have financial security to cover abandonment, as well as death or long-term disability of seafarers because of occupational injury and hazard.
“These legal standards will provide relief and peace of mind to abandoned seafarers and their families wherever they may be,” said Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, director of the ILO Labour Standards Department. “In addition, by adopting these amendments to the convention, shipowners and governments are also strengthening its provisions aimed at ensuring a level playing field for quality shipping around the world.”
Under the new provisions, ships will be required to carry certificates or other documents to establish that financial security exists to protect seafarers working on board. Failure to provide this protection may mean that a ship can be detained in a port.
As at March 2014, the ILO’s Abandonment of Seafarers Database listed 159 abandoned merchant ships, some dating back to 2006 and still unresolved.
“The new measures will guarantee that seafarers are not abandoned, alone and legally adrift for months on end, without pay, adequate food and water and away from home,’ Ms Doumbia-Henry said. “They also clearly make flag states responsible for ensuring that adequate financial security exists to cover the cost of abandonment, and claims for death and long-term disability due to occupational injury and hazards.”
A further set of amendments was also agreed on, regarding shipowners’ liability to ensure financial security is provided, certified and inspected, in order to deal with contractual claims as quickly as possible.
The MLC came into force on Aug 20, 2013 and so far 57 ILO member states, representing more than 80 per cent of the world’s global shipping tonnage, have ratified the convention.
For the shipowners, International Shipping Federation (ISF) spokesman Arthur Bowring said ISF members were particularly concerned to see the new ILO video on the B Ladybug, where the crew has been without financial or welfare support from the shipowner for well over 12 months.
He said: “This is the sort of deplorable situation that the new amendments to the MLC, 2006 will help to speedily address. The MLC 2006 is intended to bring social justice and fair competition to the shipping industry and the lack of a specific reference to abandonment in the mandatory instruments of ILO and IMO was an omission that needed comprehensive action.”
He added: “Shipowners have a responsibility for seafarers under their contractual employment arrangements, and the problems created when the seafarers are abandoned needed specific legislative measures. The new amendments not only provide that safeguard but also recognise the role to be played by flag states and labour supply states.”
Mr Bowring said that while only a “very tiny proportion” of the world’s seafarers experience the despair of abandonment, “that does not make the occurrence any less serious for the affected seafarers and their families”.
International Transport Workers‘ Federation president Paddy Crumlin said the vote “represents a genuine turning point for the convention”. He continued: “It proves that seafarers, shipowners and governments are committed to continuously reviewing the implementation of the MLC in order to ensure that it is a truly global and living instrument for the protection and benefit of all seafarers. Abandonment is a particularly dark stain on the industry and the new amendments are real and concrete relief for seafarers facing that dire predicament.”
Whether there will be any speedy relief for the B Ladybug crew remains to be seen. Most probably the only help they will get will be from voluntary organisations that still provide a much-needed safety net for the industry. But the amendments should help prevent such occurrences in the future. Therefore, they should be welcome. We will only know how well the financial guarantee system will work in practice when actual abandonments occur after the amendments come into force.
But really the situation is morally quite straightforward. On the high seas ships are the territory of the country whose flag they fly, and that country benefits from the registration fees it charges the shipowner.
When things go very wrong, is it right for the flag state to just stand back and watch? I don’t think so, and that is the case whether or not the MLC explicitly puts a duty on the flag state.
The amendments were developed over nearly a decade by a Joint Working Group established by the ILO and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1998 and will strengthen the 2006 convention – PHOTO: REUTERS
***MLC change set to help ‘abandoned’ seafarers
Unions and employers have welcomed a revision to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) that will improve seafarers’ financial security in the case of abandonment.
The agreement was reached after an International Labour Organisation (ILO) tripartite meeting in Geneva of governments, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and employer representative the International Shipping Federation (ISF).
The parties agreed to add a requirement for flag states to make sure financial security is in place to meet seafarer’s outstanding wages, repatriation and other costs in the case of abandonment.
The seafarers trapped on the 7,600-car-equivalent-unit (ceu) car carrier B Ladybug (built 2012) during the financial collapse of owner Today Makes Tomorrow (TMT) were highlighted as an example of the suffering caused by abandonment.
The vote in favour of the amendment was unanimous.
ITF president Paddy Crumlin said: “Abandonment is a particularly dark stain on the industry and the new amendments are real and concrete relief for seafarers facing that dire predicament.”
The ISF’s Arthur Bowring said: “The new amendments not only provide a safeguard but also recognise the role to be played by flag and labour supply states.”