***USS names 2014 AOTOS honorees
The United Seamen’s Service says that its 2014 Admiral of the Ocean Sea Awards (AOTOS) will be presented to Stephen Cotton, General Secretary of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF); Joseph J. Cox, President/CEO, Chamber of Shipping of America; and Frederick J. Harris, President of General Dynamics NASSCO.
The awards will be presented at a gala dinner and dance to be held at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, New York City, on November 7, 2014. Recognition will also be given to American seafarers for specific acts of bravery and heroism while at sea.
Announcing the recipients, General Kenneth Wykle, USA (ret.), Chairman of the USS AOTOS Committee, said: “This year’s recipients represent greatly diverse sectors of the maritime industry. Stephen Cotton oversees a significant labor group whose mission is the well-being and fair treatment of the world’s seafarers. Joe Cox is well-regarded in international transportation circles and is greatly involved in safety issues. Fred Harris’ company has designed and built innovative tonnage for America’s se-going fleet. We anticipate a good turnout for these three gentlemen.”
General Wykle, who is also President of the National Defense Transportation Association, will be presented with an AOTOS Recognition award at this year’s event.
Stephen Cotton has taken over the duties of General Secretary of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), an international association of more than 700 transportation-related unions from 150 countries. Mr. Cotton had served as the ITF’s Maritime Coordinator until he was appointed Acting General Secretary in October 2012. He started at the London-based ITF in 1993, working mainly in the Seafarers Section as the Head of the Agreements Unit.
Under Mr. Cotton’s leadership, the ITF’s Maritime sections made achievements that included expanding the ITF Inspectorate from 35 to a total of 124 inspectors and 26 other contacts. In 2013, across 52 countries, a total of 9,503 vessel inspections were carried out and $38,429,647 of owed wages was recovered for seafarers. The number of agreements has also increased from less than 2,000 to more than 12,000.
Mr. Cotton spearheaded a new direction for the Seafarers Section through the International Bargaining Forum. This provides a space for discussion between the ITF and its member unions, and the maritime employers in the Joint Negotiating Group (JNG). The ITF has consistently worked alongside shipping organizations, the ILO and governments, for over a decade, to jointly create and shape the MLC, and is committed to monitoring and assisting its implementation and to persuading more countries to ratify the convention.
Joe Cox graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in an accelerated program finishing his final year with his classmates in one-half year graduating on February 10, 1967 to meet the need for officers on the Vietnam sealift. He sailed on the Vietnam sealift for two years and for several years as second and third mate to other parts of the world. When he came ashore, he worked for the Maritime Standards Office of the U. S. Department of Labor where he eventually became a Manager of the Cargo Gear Program. After eight years with the Department of Labor, he accepted a position at the American shipowners’ association, the Chamber of Shipping of America. He progressed through jobs as Marine Coordinator, Director of Marine Affairs, and Vice President and was elected President/CEO in 1997.
The Chamber of Shipping of America is recognized as the definitive organization representing U.S. owners, operators and charterers of U.S. and foreign flag ocean-going vessels, before U.S. and international regulatory, legislative and administrative entities. It provides a voice of the maritime industry operating in the U.S. to support sound public policy through legislative and regulatory initiatives to promote marine safety, maritime security, maritime personnel issues and environmentally responsible policies and operating practices.
Joe Cox has also been Chairman of the Board of the National Cargo Bureau for two years during his ten years on its board and held various positions including chairman. His other affiliations have included International Cargo Gear Bureau, International President of the Propeller Club of the Unites States and President of the Marine Gas Hazards Control Program He received an MS from the University of Southern California in Safety Management.
Frederick J. Harris became president of General Dynamics NASSCO and a vice president of General Dynamics Corporation on January 1, 2006. For more than four decades, Harris has worked to foster innovation and realize excellence in shipbuilding. His extensive exposure to the maritime industry has provided him with a breadth of knowledge and a unique viewpoint in current initiatives facing the business.
Mr. Harris began his shipbuilding career in 1973 as a senior engineer for Electric Boat’s Trident ballistic missile submarine program. His thorough knowledge of ship construction processes and design and build practices earned him a succession of promotions.
For his accomplishments as program manager of the Virginia Class submarine design phase, Mr. Harris received the Maine Maritime Academy Outstanding Alumni Award for the Year 2000 and in 2002, received the annual William M. Kennedy Award from the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. In 2003, he was included on the Maine Maritime Academy’s Wall of Honor for his accomplishments in the marine field. He was the 2010 recipient of the Harold E. Saunders Award, given by the American Society of Naval Engineers, for his significant contributions to naval engineering. Harris is currently a Board Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board, a Board Member of the Shipbuilder’s Council of America, and Chairman of the American Delegation of JECKU, a worldwide shipbuilding organization.
He is frequently called upon to offer his perspective to revitalize the maritime industry and associated industrial base. A graduate of Maine Maritime Academy, Mr. Harris sailed for several years as a U.S. Merchant Mariner, notably aboard the U.S. registered SS Trans globe, the most decorated American merchant ship of the Vietnam War. In 1972, he received a master’s degree in business administration from Babson College, graduating with distinction. In 2010, Mr. Harris received an honorary doctorate degree in science from MMA.
Proceeds from the AOTOS event benefit USS community services abroad for the U.S. merchant marine, seafarers of all nations, and U.S. government and military overseas. The recipients will share the evening with a group of American seafarers who will be honored for acts of bravery at sea.
For AOTOS 2014, Michael Sacco, President of the Seafarers International Union, is Dinner Chairman. F. Anthony Naccarato of American Maritime Officers Service and John L. Degurse, Jr., Esquire, USS Legal Counsel, will be serving as National Committee Co-Chairmen. Other committee members and chairmanships will be announced soon.
USS, a non-profit agency established in 1942, operates centers in six foreign ports in Europe, Asia, and Africa and in the Indian Ocean, and also provides seagoing libraries to American vessels through its affiliate, the American Merchant Marine Library Association.
Information about the gala is available from USS AOTOS Coordinator, Barbara Spector Yeninas at aotos@bsya.com or (732) 817-0400 x 16. To contact USS directly, call (201) 369-1100.
***Growing officer shortage to hurt ocean carriers’ earnings
Grace M. Lavigne
402 words
16 June 2014
Journal of Commerce Online
(c) 2014 Commonwealth Business Media. All rights reserved.
A shortage of seafarers in the officer corps is expected to worsen, threatening carriers’ bottom lines, according to Drewry’s recently published Manning 2014 Annual Report.
Drewry said shipowners and managers need experienced mariners, but do not have the resources to fund substantial rises in wages because of weak freight rates caused by overcapacity.
“Manning has become the natural target for cost cutting, being the single largest element in ship operating costs, with officer recruitment being directed towards the lowest-cost source,” the report said.
Drewry estimates the current officer supply to be 610,000, representing a shortfall of 19,000 personnel. This shortfall is forecast to rise to 21,700 by 2018, given that there will be a requirement for an additional 38,500 officers by this time, according to the report.
“While ratings (crew) remuneration packages tend to follow International Transport Workers Federation standard terms, officer earnings are more market driven,” said Nigel Gardiner, Drewry’s managing director. “Manning costs look set to come under renewed upward pressure, putting a further squeeze on profitability unless owners are able to push freight rates higher,”
Esben Christensen, director of AlixPartners, said in a conference call with Stifel Transportation & Logistics Research Group last month that ocean freight rates are about 25 percent below where carriers need them to be to make money as a result of industry oversupply. Total industry capacity has risen to 16.9 million TEUs in 2013 from 10.9 million TEUs in 2007, according to AlixPartners, and the global fleet is set to increase another 5.6 percent this year, according to a recent Alphaliner newsletter.
“Carrier health is worse than it was in 2009 and has deteriorated since 2010, as debt load has increased due to [capital expenditure] related to newer vessels,” Christensen said.
However, Drewry said one factor in owners’ favor is that most seafarers are paid in U.S. dollars, so their earnings tend to compare well with other occupations when converted to their domestic currencies.
“But the shortage of officers remains, especially among senior engineering ranks and for specialist ships such as LNG carriers,” Gardiner said. “There is also a general drift towards shorter working tours and increased benefits which is putting further pressure on supply.”
Sewol’s first engineer pleads guilty
Crystal Chan
17 June 2014
The first engineer of capsized ferry MV Sewol pled guilty to charges of criminal abandonment when the trial for him and 14 other crew members resumed today.
The man, identified only as ‘Sohn’, “will not be making excuses”, his lawyer said. However, the trial for the other 14 crew members will continue. Sewol’s captain, Lee Joon-Seok, and three other senior crew members have been accused of manslaughter, an accusation stemming from their decision to abandon ship as hundreds of passengers were trapped in their cabins.
Sohn and 10 other crew members are accused of criminal abandonment. A nationwide manhunt is under way for Yoo Byung-eun, 73, the owner of Sewol operator Chonghaejin Marine, and his eldest son. Prosecutors want to question Yoo as they investigate whether the disaster was caused by a violation of safety regulations.
During the trial today, Sohn’s lawyer urged judges and jurors not to make the 15 crew members scapegoats for the disaster. He said: “The defendants must be punished properly … but I hope there will also be stern punishment for the company that turned Sewol into a timebomb.”
It has been alleged that Yoo was told that the addition of decks to Sewol had undermined its stability, but he ignored the warnings. Sewol capsized during a routine Incheon-Jeju trip on 16 April, killing an estimated 304 of 476 passengers and crew.
So far, 292 bodies have been recovered and the search for the 12 missing passengers continues. Many of the victims were Danwon High School students. Eight key Chonghaejin executives are being tried separately on unrelated charges of embezzling company funds to pay members of Yoo’s family for consulting, trademark rights, and Yoo’s photographic work.