***Qatar: Problem Schwangerschaft
Die schlimmsten Arbeitsbedingungen herrschen gemäß der Gewerkschaft bei Qatar. Vor allem die Flugbegleiterinnen sollen das offenbar zu spüren bekommen. In deren Arbeitsverträgen gibt es offenbar Passagen, die in den Augen der ITF inakzeptabel sind. «Sie müssen vorgängig die Bewilligung des Unternehmens einholen, wenn Sie Ihren Zivilstand ändern und heiraten wollen», steht da etwa. Oder: «Die Arbeitnehmerin muss den Arbeitgeber bei Schwangerschaft umgehend informieren, sobald sie Kenntnis davon hat. Das Unternehmen kann den Vertrag im Zeitpunkt dieser Ankündigung auflösen.»
Ausgangssperren in Crewhotels
In einem Interview mit dem TV-Sender Al Arabiya wurde Sharan Burrow vom Internationalen Gewerkschaftsbund noch deutlicher. «Wir hörten Geschichten von Leuten, die zeigen dass das eine der schlimmsten Airlines der Geschichte ist.» Besonders Frauen kämen bei Qatar Airways unter die Räder. Sie riskierten gestalkt zu werden, es gebe Ausgangssperren in den Crewhotels und Mitarbeiter seien schon bestochen worden um andere zu verpetzen, so Burrow. Sie will nun mit der ITF am nächsten Treffen der Internationalen Zivilluftfahrt-Organisation Icao auf die miserablen Arbeitsbedingungen in Katar und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten hinweisen. Die Airline äusserte sich bislang zu den Vorwürfen nicht.

***Les syndicats épinglent Allseas
«Shame on you, Allseas!», «Respect the Human Rights!» Un étonnant cortège d’une trentaine de délégués syndicaux, bannière au vent, sifflets et mégaphone aux lèvres,…
Panama excluded from the application of the maritime labor Convention all cadets who work on Panamanian flag vessels, a fact that will leave them unprotected, warned the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). The Panama Ship Registry, with more than 9,000 vessels, is the world’s largest and unions fear that this decision goes against the labor welfare of hundreds of cadets from all over the world who would be denied the protection of minimum working conditions.
– See more at: http://thebulletinpanama.com/week-in-review-vol-33-no-8#sthash.s2oVTZUz.dpuf
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(Ausencio Rivera González / El Dictamen | Veracruz, Ver. )
-Armador ignoró ultimátum de 20 días de Capitanía de Puerto
Pese a que la Capitanía Regional de Puerto en días pasados le dio un ultimátum de 20 días al propietario del buque “Valencia” para que se lo llevara a su lugar de origen, tras cumplir un año de estar ocupando muelles útiles para el comercio exterior en esta terminal marítima, el buque aún sigue atracado en este puerto.
Al respecto el capitán Enrique Lozano Díaz inspector de la Federación Internacional de los Trabajadores del Transporte por sus siglas en Inglés ITF dijo que en un recorrido efectuado este lunes en muelles del recinto portuario de Veracruz pudo constatar que la embarcación aun sigue ocupando posiciones de atraque que impiden el arribo de otras embarcaciones.
Lozano Díaz dijo que tras dialogar con la tripulación estos no le manifestaron ninguna queja, pues aseguran que sus salarios y alimentos los están recibiendo con normalidad.
El único detalle es que ya cumplieron un año y, un mes de estar en el Puerto de Veracruz y, no saben cuando regresaran a Panamá para ver a sus familiares.
El capitán de Altura egresado de la Escuela Náutica Fernando Siliceo y Torres reconoció una vez más que ya es mucho tiempo que esa embarcación se encuentre en territorio veracruzano, por lo que agregó el riesgo de que se quede abandonada de manera definitiva por el armador está latente.
Recordó que el buque fue retenido por la Capitanía Regional de Puerto, luego de que en su interior muriera una joven cadete panameña en condiciones extrañas.
***SEKO together with Swedish Transport Agency assisted Russian seafarers to recover owed wages
The union SEKO, organizing Swedish seafarers, assisted Russian seafarers stranded in Falkenberg to get their wages, owed to them by their employer. Subsequently a collective bargainingagreement was signed for the employees, another step towards better conditions for the often vulnerable international seafarers.
SEKO’s representative Sven Save, working as an inspector for the International Transport Workers’ Federation , ITF, received on Wednesday a text message from the crew on the Russian- flagged cargo ship that was heading for the port of Falkenberg. The ship is not a flag of convenience, but there was money owed to the seafarers and the vessel was not covered by a national CBA , and the owners have for years refused to sign such with the ITF affiliated trade unions inRussia.
– They wrote that they had not received their wages. I went to Falkenberg to
authenticate the statement and found that there were no employment agreements, the wage for August had notbeen paid and they were not covered by a national CBA. I gave the Company one hour to pay the wages, otherwise the ship would not be able to leave the port, says Save .The Company did not address the deficiencies within the time specified , then the Swedish Transport Agency (PSC) was informed about the matter and decided to detain the vessel if the deficiencies was not rectified.
– The Swedish Transport Agency acted quickly and forcefully. In ten minutes the money to the crew, nearly € 16, 000, was transferred and paid to the crew, says Save .
The new ILO Maritime Labor Convention, MLC 2006, which came into force in August this year, means that seafarers’ social, as well as working conditions (eg salary, working/resting hours, etc. ) to be included in the PSC inspections. Thanks to this convention , it is now much easier to access and detain vessels with owners who don’t comply in this area . In addition, the authorities in each country, in this case Transport Agency in Sweden, now has more power to act swiftly.
– It is the first time we have taken such a firm action together with the PSC and applied the new Convention in Swedish waters, and it was very successful. Now, the Russian seafarers’ union (SUR) also signed a national CBA with the company, which means that these seafarers can now carry out their work under decent conditions, said Sven Save .
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